Money For That Lyrics
Music's burning, running in my head
Gonna shout it out, in my head
How could I forget?
Is there some way I could go back?
I'd give you money for that
If there's some way, I would
How could I forget?
No one near me, ever slows me down
I was good to go, in my head
How could I forget?
Is there some way I could go back?
I'd give you money for that
If there's some way, I would
How could I forget?
All of the songs I know
It's like another time
Where did it go?
Where did it all go?
Is there some way I could go back?
I'd give you money for that
If there's some way, I would
How could I forget?

Pictures (of) written walls All of the (souls) I know
Not sure? The new version sounds different on that part. To me, at least. Could be crazy.

i thik it's pictures on rantic walls.

the question is:
money for what?

yeah... this one is confusing... what is this money for? is he saying that he's going to take care of someone and be there for them and saying he'll never forget them. he'll always help? is that it? or am i waaaay off?
I think he's longing to go back to his school days and he'd give money for a way to go back in time.
I think he's longing to go back to his school days and he'd give money for a way to go back in time.
That's how it comes across to me.
That's how it comes across to me.

Here is my take on the song:
School bells ringing, 1994 Music's burning, running in my head Gonna shout it out, in my head How could I forget?
He is talking about thinking back to the days when he was in school (ie younger)
I'd give you money for that Is there some way I could go back? I'd give you money for that If there's some way, I would How could I forget?
Wishing that he could go back to those days and that he would give money for it to happen.
Little choices, seem so pointless No one near me, ever slows me down I was good to go, in my head How could I forget?
Not sure about the first line, but the rest I think is referring to how when you are young you have the 'invincible' thoughts of yourself and how perfect it all was - in his head (imagination).
Pictures on written walls All of the songs I know It's like another time Where did it go? Where did it all go?
This part is a bit foggy for me, but I am assuming its more about remembering the past and him wondering where it all went.
Overall I would say it is a song about wishing you could go back to the simpler time when you were younger.

about the line "little choices seem so pointless" i think he is saying that the little things that seem unimportant can have a big impact on your life

He means he'd give money to go back to the time period where all he cared about was music. After that time period, things became complicated.

Does anyone else think that 1994 could be a possible Cobain allusion? Or am I just getting this out of nowhere?