Done Stealin' Lyrics
Without question my favorite song on the entire album. I've had this cd for awhile now and I never really listened to it. Well one night I was coming home, after a night of partying and I was blown away by this song. This is one of the saddest songs i've ever heard. Both individuals are hurting one another, and he finally gets up the gumption to walk away from her.
Got to be my favorite song on the album. You can relate to it(well i can).
Yeah It's my favorite song on the album too. I'm a little confused about the meaning though. At first I thought it was about a guy that was with a girl and he was letting her go because he thought she deserved better. Like he was 'done stealing' the girl and he was ready to do the right thing in giving her up so she could have a better life. But after reading the lyrics a few times it seems like their just hurting each other and he wants to leave. They are two completely different ideas. I like the first idea better but the more I think about it, it seems more unlikely. I don't know.
Breaking up isn't easy, especially when both people are still in love with each other. They try to be friends... It's not healthy for either of them. Neither wants to leave the other. But in order to grow up and be responsible, someone has to be give it up and stop stealing time when it isn't going anywhere.
Kind of like an Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind deal.