The Bronze Goddess Lyrics
We've got a whore on our hands
Fasten your seatbelts, grab your loved ones
Do anything you can
It's impressive,
How you've managed to destroy my world again
But this time baby i know, how it ends
And it's on loving you, that i am hellbent
And we'll lie like lovers do
How much longer must i remain conviced
That i'd die without you, without you
I may be drunk and my judgment may be fucked
But i've been blessed with good looks
God said true love would save me, somehow
I've got just one question
Where's my savior now?
And we'll lie like lovers do
How much longer must i remain convined
That i'd die without you, without you
I can't stop you!
I can't stop you!

yesss. I love this song♥


This is about some guy who believes he's in love with someone when he's really not, but unsure of himself. Mostly self-explanatory anyways.

The line is actually
"But I've been blessed with good looks" instead of LUCK
I think it's basically about this girl who's a whore who he keeps going back to just to screw around with. Some girl he can always call for a late-night hook-up but would never actually consider her more than than that which is quite prevalent in the line:
"That i'd die without you, without you."
He knows she fucks with him and shouldn't be with her but for some reason keeps going back to her and he knows it. Like Jellygoat says, pretty self-explanatory.

my fav song ever <333
I will not rest until the whole world hears this band

to understand this song or any on this album or the one before, you read them ALL in order... they all tell the story of "what really happened at lovers lane" - 2 lovers witness the end of the world and eventually encounter a drifter, the girl cheats, heartbreak, etc. told from the guys perspective.