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Christ Jesus Lyrics

Woke up next to the king
He got up, gonna fix me some things
And it made me sick how I can't trust him
No, I can't trust him

Said the bottom of his belly, that's where he would keep me
Christ Jesus, as I'm floating
And you get a brick and you drop it down on me
Christ Jesus, have you seen us?
We're down on our hands and knees, and tell us what's the reason

Like a heart that's hung in the sky
A hard-on when I die
And you passed away, and that horizon never came
No, it never came

It's the time of the week no one sees but me
Christ Jesus, as I'm drowning
And I struggle to breathe, it's your face I don't see
Christ Jesus, please don't leave us
If in peace you'll keep us, well then you should have believed us

Please let me inside, hear out my desire
'cause soon I may die, yes one day I will die
I'll get eaten by the rust, you cremate and breathe the dust
And I'll kick in your lungs and I'll bite off your tongue

Christ Jesus, please don't leave us
Down on our hands and our knees, oh I'll never believe, no
Christ Jesus, as I'm drowning
I struggle to breathe, it's your face I don't see
Christ Jesus
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2 Meanings

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Cover art for Christ Jesus lyrics by Deer Tick

wow, this song is absolutely amazing.

So.. my thinking is that the artist has lost his belief in Jesus and he feels anger and bitterness that at one point he put his faith in Jesus and felt that he was hung out to dry.

He talks about Jesus keeping him down, or having a negative impact on him. "Christ Jesus, as I'm floating. And you get a brick and you drop it down on me"

"a hear that's hung in the sky; a hard on when I die; And you passed away and that horizon never came, no it never came" - seems like the irony of devoting your life to following Jesus just to be left alone and abandoned. he's "hung in the sky". "A hard on when I die" seems like a cruel irony that his passion (metaphorically in the form of an erection) has no purpose and will be unfulfilled so it was pointless and just like a tease, or some sort of sick joke.

"And you passed away and that horizon never came, No, it never came" seems like its referring to Jesus' ascension into Heaven, when he said that he would return:

Acts 1:9-11, "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven."

but after waiting for Jesus to return, the singer feels like he never did and is therefore abandoned by Christ. And not only was he abandoned, but by being deceived and trusting in Jesus, he feels like he has actually been held back because of the lie. "I'll weaken your lungs", like Jesus knew what he was doing but chose to do it out of spite, which is probably making an emotional point by exaggerating his feelings to some extent.

There is some hope when he says, "Please let me inside, hear out my desire" cause even though he feels abandoned, he knows he will die and he fears death, so he still wants Jesus to be truthful for hope. And when coming back to the hope out of desperation and realizing that again he's been tricked, he is extremely angry, "And I'll kick in your lungs and I'll bite off your tongue"

He desperately wants Jesus' to come back and fulfill his word for some kind of hope, but can't see accept this to be true. "Christ Jesus, please don't leave us; Down on our hands and our knees, oh I'll never believe, no; Christ Jesus, as I'm drowning; I struggle to breathe, it's your face I don't see; Christ Jesus"

wow.. this song is amazing.. unbelievable lyrics. When I first heard it, I listened to it over and over maybe 30 times in the next 48 hours. wowwwwwwwww. Also, I need to learn the piano

My Interpretation

I have not heard a version with piano in it. If you did where did you hear it id love to hear it.

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Cover art for Christ Jesus lyrics by Deer Tick

i think it's 'you cremate and breathe the dust'

it's also "I'll weaken your lungs" Best song on the album.

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