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Pride & Humility Lyrics

The results are in
You're not impressing anyone
Just listen to what you're saying
Try to remember it's not always about you
Realize that in the long run your accomplishments are trivial

Won't you feel stupid then?

I'm tired of listening to you embarrass yourself
Please, do yourself a favor
Step off of your high horse, climb down from your pedestal, and deflate your big head
Arrogance has never been an attractive trait, and you, my friend, have little reason to be proud.
Song Info
Submitted by
shane472 On Aug 26, 2007
3 Meanings
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What's this song from? I found it on This Is Solid State vol 6 but I can't find it on any of their other cds.

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this song is an unreleased song.

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ye, it's only on TISS V.6 to my knowledge, which is odd cause i think it's one of my very fav ABR songs. it deals with one of my largest pet peeves... arrogance, and a close 2nd, idiocy and ignorance in life.

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