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Perfect Company Lyrics

I've been to just about a million places,
Sunny skies everywhere and in between,
But just to know I'm right here with you,
It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Oh my God you're such a beautiful girl,
With such a wonderful way in such a beautiful place,
The sun is shining and it warms my face,
What a wonderful day I just hope it can stay.

I just want to tell you I love you (I love you), and everything is gonna be okay someday soon.

I've been to just about a million places,
With placid seas and perfect scenery,
But just to know you're right here with me,
Well you make the perfect company.

Oh my God its true,
If time stood still I'd wait with you,
If time stood still and still it stood I'd be with you.

I just want to tell you I love you (I love you), and everything is gonna be okay someday soon.

Lovely love, we're almost in it.
We'll laugh and love in this world.

I just want to tell you I love you (I love you), and everything is gonna be okay someday soon.
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Submitted by
jo_ellen14 On Aug 08, 2007
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7 Meanings

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Cover art for Perfect Company lyrics by A Cursive Memory


Cover art for Perfect Company lyrics by A Cursive Memory

i have to say, i hate when people go on this website and talk about how much they like or hate the song (considering its called songmeanings.net and i dont care whether they like it or not) but, this is just about the cutest song i have ever heard in my entire life.

Cover art for Perfect Company lyrics by A Cursive Memory

MrsTeddyGeiger is rude! They want to express their feelings ! And you kinda did the same thing! Lol Anyways, A Cursive memory's songs are simple. But so beutiful! Like this one, its so simple! He loves this girl. And he's been many places but her company no matter where he is is the best! And he just wants to tell her he loves her over and over again. Sooo cute! : ) Its also an awesome feeling!

Cover art for Perfect Company lyrics by A Cursive Memory

This is pretty much my favourite song of all time. I literally made an account just so I could comment it. XD

It's basically a simple, cute, straightforward love song. He's singing to a girl about how much she means to him and how much he loves her. And I think the line "everything is gonna be okay someday soon" symbolizes that as their relationship progresses, everything will work out and be okay in the end.

Very, very beautiful song.

Cover art for Perfect Company lyrics by A Cursive Memory

I first heard this song from the TV show, Simple Life. Hunter dedicated this song to Paris while he was saying his vows to her. And the song actually fits Hunter's feelings to Paris. This song is very very romantic and very heartfelt. I love this song and I really appreciated every line of the lyrics. This song is basically about a boy confessing his feelings and how much he loves her. Any place in the world can never replace his happiness and excitement when he's with her. Love is truly blind and pure and nothing can ever replace that. I hope to see this guys and meet them.

Cover art for Perfect Company lyrics by A Cursive Memory

I saw them in concert once, and they played this song and I videotaped it. I stumbled across the video cleaning stuff off my computer and watched it, and I was amazed with the passion in which they played it. It was really adorable.

Cover art for Perfect Company lyrics by A Cursive Memory

a cursive memory is quite possibly the most adorable band to walk the earth. this song is just warm and fuzzy basically <3 hahaha

not to mention their videos are always so good! this video is super cute and the 'everything' video is just really funny&clever.

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