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Quisquose Lyrics

You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how

what polite

Jesus Jenny Gemini
Has all of it criss-crossed
High electron power failing
Hit by degree

You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how

You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how

what polite
You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how

You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how

Quise qualledo qualledo quallido quallido do do do do au
a Rococo au oahoo

hurt polite
You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how

You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how

Jesus, seasonal, his name, comical

what polite
You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how

You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how

what polite
You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how

You da dao ao surround
Where what why how how how how
Song Info
Submitted by
revontulet On Aug 05, 2007
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Cover art for Quisquose lyrics by Cocteau Twins

People shouldn't even try and transcribe lyrics when there aren't any. And, I'm not allowing myself to read these because I don't want their stupidness to ruin one of my favorite songs. Forgetting these now.

Jesus, seasonal, his name, comical