45 Meanings
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Salvation Lyrics

Disgusted by your weakness
You have NO right to live
To know you... Is to HATE you
But your life's, yours to give

You monkey see: You monkey do
You're always doing what they tell you to
You're such a puppet on a string
You don't get it

I won't bow to something that I've never seen.
I can't believe in something that doesn't believe in me!
I'm not Blood of Your Blood
I'm no son of your God
I've no faith in your fate
Still I find salvation

(Guitar Solo)

You think you have the answers to every last detail
In your eyes, you're the victor
In mine you've all but failed

You monkey see: You monkey do
You're always doing what they tell you to

You're such a puppet on a string
You don't get it
You monkey see: You monkey do
You're always doing what they tell you to
You're such a puppet on a string
You don't get it

I won't bow to something that I've never seen.
I can't believe in something that doesn't believe in me
I'm not Blood of Your Blood
I'm no son of your God
I've no faith in your fate!!

Still I find salvation x3
Song Info
Submitted by
sutchy On Aug 01, 2007
45 Meanings
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I think this song is about the people who blindly follow their religions. Those people that eat up everything the church has to say without a second thought. It's not necessarily about religions shoving it down peoples throats, more about the people taking the shoving with a big fucking smile. Those people so close minded when it comes to pointing out the flaws in what they believe in, that they block it out and use the opposing opinion as a Frisbee/ something to aim at when they piss.

My take on Religion: Pick one. Hear it out. Consider it. FORM YOUR OWN BELIEFS.




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Ok so what you're all saying is that this song is attacking JUST Christians? That Christianity is the ONLY religion with hypocrisy and a lack of answers? So Islam doesn't cause problems? Judaism doesn't cause problems hmm? Cause if that isn't what you're all saying then I MUST be looking at the wrong song.

This song is anti-RELIGION!! NOT anti-Christian! You're all just acting like a bunch of hatemongers.

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So JudasPriest1977 you listened to this song and din't get that it was about being against religion?

you're fucknig retarded..

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This song is about not believing in religion. Christians are screaming that they alone hold the key to salvation and he says that religion is nothing more that crap and he will not believe it simply because everyone else does. He equates worshipers to puppets with the church holding the strings. Religion is crap and any intelligent person should learn to think beyond the brainwashing of the church and think on their own because in the end, it doesn't matter and we all rot in the ground.

i toatally agree religon is just a way to explain the unexplainable, which a lot has now been explained so religon is useless. five finger death punch gets it and this is definatlly one of their best songs.

i toatally agree religon is just a way to explain the unexplainable, which a lot has now been explained so religon is useless. five finger death punch gets it and this is definatlly one of their best songs.

i disagree with u xo1k4. well let me rephrase. I agree with what you're saying in essence, but i dont believe religion is to explain the unexplainable. I believe one day soon it can be explained, and could be now and CAN be now if the christians didnt rule the media and shut everyone else out. i think its more that the religion is brainwashing ppl due to greed. Look at the history of the Catholic church. 100% corrupt.

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Actually you guys are putting the lyrics a tad harshly. Rather he is pointing out that he can't believe in religion simply because he sees outside the box and views a church goer as a monkey. He is fed a religion but can't find proof that if he follows it he will be 'saved' and says well fuck it i will find salvation in my own way. Also the criticism of religious people not believing he can find god, hes just some punk heavy metal guy whos out of place.

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This song is catching way to much crap. Do I feel this song is anti-relgion...NO... I am a Christian and yet this song does not offend me. I dont think he is saying that relgion is bad. I believe that he is saying that some people are twisting the words of religious text in general to make it say what they want to. No matter who tells you somthing it will always be through how they take it.

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wow i guess you guys dont read much mags these days huh? back when this cd 1st came out in a interview with hit parader this song was brought up and when asked bout the negitive religion views it had ivan responded (paraphrase) "This song isnt quite as antireligion as most poeple think. its more of a antigovernment song. its about this mystical all powerful government that everyone follows with out opposeing. the part about "i am not blood if you blood. i am no son of you god" is american blood makes this government work or so they say. and how the government push poeples veiw such as in in gods we trust. ive been in all sorts of religous circles all my life and some i agree and some i dont so to me it isnt bashing religion just onmiessant governments"

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ok, i'm a christian and i love this song. why? because i'm not the type of christian that thinks everyone needs to believe what i believe. Ivan Moody sings about his opinion of religion and i respect that. I have my own beliefs and sometimes disagree with my own religion. I'm not a "puppet on a string". you can believe anything you want, just stop disrespecting others for their beliefs. All religions can coexist and whether you choose to follow one or not is your own choice and again, i respect that.

and the song doesn't even have to be about christianity, it can be about any other religion. you people just chose christianity right away because apparently it's the cause of all the worlds problems and you people look for something to blame it on.how about you stop blaming the religion and start blaming the people that have highly skewed views of those opinions. again i'm a christian, you don't have to be, but we can still respect each other.

My Opinion

If only more Theists were like you, bro. I think many people, particularly those who live in the US or another highly Christian nation believe these songs apply directly toward Christianity because those parts of the world are primarily Christian. I bet if you played this song in Pakistan, the people there would think it pertains to Islam. I choose to believe this applies to not only every religion, but every highly organized organization because for something to be a religion, I believe, it doesn't need to be based around an extra-sensory being. To me, this is a very Atheist...

@maggot457, You are correct. I think it's pretty humorous to see comment fights about Religion vs Anti-Religion here. Why don't people just state their opinion and that's it? Instead of getting their opinion bashed? You don't have to like this song, just at least try to appreciate it for what it is and what the message is bringing; you don't have to agree with it more or less fuss about it.

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I think this song is about anti-religon. But the lyrics are a bit harsh. So, because I am religious, I don't deserve to live, I'm weak, and can't think for myself? Even though I never force my religion on anyone? That's a bit hypocritical....I bet I'd get yelled at if I told an atheist that they were stupid and evil...the double-standard is extremely stupid.

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Ok my issue isn't with you so I'm going to say all this and just ignore you afterwards.

One: Christianity IS a religion. You can look it up...ANYWHERE and find that out. Faith is the ACT not the THING.

Two: You need to go back and read my first post cause I'm not including you in it. The problem is you're being just as confrontational.

Now that I've said that, my first point still stands. Everyone here is just hatemongering. Christianity ISNT the only religion in the world. It's not perfect but NIETHER are ISLAM and JUDAISM! They can be just as bad if not worse.

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