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Centrifuge Lyrics

I know that sound
Afraid to swim
But if you drown
At least you die knowing you were headed for shore
You always dread the unfamiliar dream
But if we didn’t dream…

Dreams come so we know tomorrow
Without dreams we’d shatter in sorrow
She was moving from an unreality that was frightening
Into a reality that was unreal because it was new
What is the lesson learned?
Those who don’t build must burn

Through ash and crime
It’s a journey
In ancient times
Their minds destroyed a yearning to be uncaged
In this age, they disregard their fear
But in the final year…
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Cover art for Centrifuge lyrics by Beau

I think he is employing elements and turns of phrases from Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 in this song. The burning of ideas, overcoming governmental control over thought