12 Meanings
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Nineteen Stars Lyrics

Don't tell me you're done for
I don't need to hear you're done for
You can tell me what are running from
I need you, more than you need you

I can see you're really really running
May I ask you where you're gonna run to?
And you think you're living as a ghost now
Not quite, heaven's ugly angel

We all feel like we're breaking sometimes
I won't let you go tonight

Stay awake
Stay awake, survive
I've got nineteen stars that I gave your name
I wanna scream, wanna scream your name
My life can save
You're my wish tonight

Don't tell me nothing matters
I'll tell you what matters
Bare feet in the summer
Open windows at night
You think that no one needs you
You have nothing to see through
Well, I need you
I need you
Don't I count in this fight?

It's morning now, time to suffer again
A safety that drunk can't find

Stay awake
Stay awake, survive
I've got nineteen stars that I gave your name
I wanna scream, wanna scream your name
My life can save
You're my wish tonight

No one can catch me the way that you catch me
The way that you keep me when I'm out of time
What if I need you when I can't see you?
And I'm running out of life

No one can catch me the way that you catch me
The way that you keep me when I'm out of time
What if I need you when I can't see you?
And I'm running out of life

Stay awake
Stay awake, survive
I've got nineteen stars that I gave your name
I wanna scream, wanna scream your name
My life can save
You're my wish tonight
Song Info
Submitted by
claret On Jan 24, 2007
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12 Meanings

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Cover art for Nineteen Stars lyrics by Meg & Dia

Wow I cant believe no one commented this song. I absolutely love this song. I'm not sure what it means. but maybe it's about someone who has a friend who's suicidal or hates life. and she goes "I need you more than you need you" and that this friend is one of the only reasons she keeps going on, because he pushes her to keep going "the way that you keep me when I'm out of time"

Cover art for Nineteen Stars lyrics by Meg & Dia

i absolutely LOVE this song, and i'm even getting a tattoo inspired by it. to me this song is about a friendship or relationship that's suffering. i agree with the first comment that the person this song is talking about is possibly suicidal. i can really relate to a lot of the lines in this song "i need you more than you need you"

Cover art for Nineteen Stars lyrics by Meg & Dia

This song is about suicide. and a person giving support to the person who is contamplating it. Dia said in an article that she thought it was amazing that someone was so sad that they would take theyre own life. this song reminds me of my friend.

Cover art for Nineteen Stars lyrics by Meg & Dia

Ok this song how come more ppl haven't commented it? Ok well this is what I get out of it...she has a guy who she lvs and he wants to just give up but she is telling no he can't and he is saying no one needs him and she is like DON'T U SAY THAT becuse I need u and I love you do I not count becuse u seem to always forget I'm here for you.......this song I had a best freind who this song describes some of the times we went throught perfectly :'[

Cover art for Nineteen Stars lyrics by Meg & Dia

read an interview, Dia said that this song is about suicide.

Cover art for Nineteen Stars lyrics by Meg & Dia

this song is definitely about suicide. a person is trying to convince their friend not to die because they need them and that there are things to live for life "bare feet in the summer, open windows at night". trivial things, but still brings some happiness to life.

Cover art for Nineteen Stars lyrics by Meg & Dia

yeah, this song is about suicide. they're just telling there friend that there not dead or not to die soon cause they still need them around still.

Cover art for Nineteen Stars lyrics by Meg & Dia

It's a classic suicide song. Hah, wow that sounds horrible.

It's about someone trying to stop someone from killing themselves, and hoping that they get through to them in time. The singer still needs the person and is trying to show that, but the suicidal person seems to not see it or admit it.

By the way, I saw them live with Angels & Airwaves on their Feb. 1 show at The Palladium in Dallas, and they sound even better live. Not only that, but they are absolutely beautiful.

Cover art for Nineteen Stars lyrics by Meg & Dia

Oh and another cheery thought.

"Stay awake, stay awake, survive"

-Perhaps the means of suicide is a drug overdose?

"I've got nineteen stars and I gave your name"

-I interpreted this as kind of like wishing on a star. It made me think of the nineteen stars and then "giving the name", as in wishing on them that the suicidal person doesn't go through with it. She hopes it's enough to save them.

Cover art for Nineteen Stars lyrics by Meg & Dia

the "nineteen stars" to me, like SirWinston, reminds me of making a wish or having luck, giving them hope, maybe.

love the song, andmeg & dia, amazing artists.