31 Meanings
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Semi-Constructive Criticism Lyrics

Leave out the meaning this time
Let tensions evolve
Intimate groove confused
In childish tantrums
Your feelings were sacrificed For a greater cause,
and if you forget what you saw, you’ll be forgiven
But there isn’t a chance,
That I could do this on my own.
Now our perceptions have grown
branches and petals of paper and metal,
amber tinfoil forrest confines us
we disconnect like this is the end
we disconnect like this is the end
For everybody else’s sake
For everybody else’s sake
Set your mental alarm
But there isn’t a chance,
That I could do this on my
we do a childish dance
Your feelings were sacrificed For a greater cause,
and if you forget what you saw, you’ll be forgiven
But there isn’t a chance,
For everybody else’s sake
For everybody else’s sake
Let tensions evolve
Intimate groove confused
In childish tantrums
Let tensions evolve
Intimate groove confused
In childish tantrums like you always do
set your mental alarm
for everybody elses sake
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31 Meanings

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Cover art for Semi-Constructive Criticism lyrics by Circa Survive

speaking from a real experience. (i used to abuse drugs and alcohol, and i think that the beginning of this bands work is a lot about being under the influence of not just that, but also the influence of human beings and the stress of trying to be normal and live with people who were "normal". ) i have never felt sane. and if you have felt sane, then you wont understand what this song is getting at.

this song is about being in love with something or someone more than you love yourself. letting it take you over mind, soul and body. then once you realize this influence you find a new meaning for yourself. you realize you deserve better than a lifestyle where you love someone more than yourself. YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT. you can achieve something greater by being in yourself and letting yourself live through your own happiness. you may think someone is your all. but they cannot truly be your all until you (as corny as it sounds) yourself are "your all"

this song is about growing up. feeling pain. and moving on.

More power to you. Good interpretation. Goodnight.

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Cover art for Semi-Constructive Criticism lyrics by Circa Survive

where's you hear this song?

Cover art for Semi-Constructive Criticism lyrics by Circa Survive

they play it on the ap tour

Cover art for Semi-Constructive Criticism lyrics by Circa Survive

i saw circa last night, and they did this song. i couldn't even understand what he was saying because it was so loud, but its really fucking good/

Cover art for Semi-Constructive Criticism lyrics by Circa Survive

Semi-constructive criticism

Leave out the meaning this time Let tensions evolve Intimate groove confused In childish tantrums (we do a childish dance) Your feelings were sacrificed For a greater cause, and if you forget what you saw, you’ll be forgiven But there isn’t a chance, That I could do this on my own. Now our perceptions have grown branches and petals of paper and metal, amber tinfoil forrest confines us And we disconnect like this is the end For everybody else’s sake Set your mental alarm

from there website-http://www.circasurvive.com/creation/

Cover art for Semi-Constructive Criticism lyrics by Circa Survive

humble posted u the real lyrics now put em in the top thing

Cover art for Semi-Constructive Criticism lyrics by Circa Survive

emfizzle147, you are a fucking retard.

It asked for suggestions. Maybe if you werent such an ignorant fuckhead then you would actually contribute.

On another note, this song is amazing. I love it.


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Cover art for Semi-Constructive Criticism lyrics by Circa Survive

Stop posting about the New Testament on every freaking song on the new album, it's so annoying...

Cover art for Semi-Constructive Criticism lyrics by Circa Survive

these lyrics are amazing

Cover art for Semi-Constructive Criticism lyrics by Circa Survive

hey jdotp, this isnt a fucking forum. so dont post bull shit. the admin for this site doesnt correct this shit all the time and people just make up lyrics and post them, or just put ??????? and it is rarely updated. you have to agree its fuckin dumb