28 Meanings
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The Hoard Lyrics

They say that good boys walk straight on white lines
Good boys keep their livers clean
And smoke out of their lungs

'Cause it's all about what you've done;
Good boys don't make mistakes to learn from

'Cause when heaven comes,
They won't be caught being young

Grace, make your way to the well,
To those who deserve it
'Cause after all, they've earned it

But vain, it's in vain,
'Cause they don't need it

They're steady, steady breathers,
Who won't lift a finger for the gasping weaker

You just hoard your hollow completion
Like it's something wearing thin,
Like it's gonna get you in
When heaven comes

'Cause when heaven comes,
I swear it comes in love

Grace, make your way to the well,
To those who deserve it
'Cause after all, they've earned it

But vain, it's in vain,
'Cause they don't need it

Grace make your way to the well,
But it's in vain,
'Cause they don't need it

Now I let go of your hand,
Somewhere between
Love and what it demands of me

Now I let go of your hand,
Somewhere between
Love and what it demands of me

Grace, make your way,
Make your way.
Grace, make your way,
Make your way.
Grace, make your way,
Make your way.
Grace, make your way,
Make your way.
Grace make your way,
Make your way.
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28 Meanings

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Cover art for The Hoard lyrics by As Cities Burn

I was thinking that maybe it meant "well" as in when Jesus was mentioning that it is not the well that need a physician, but the sick...

grace make your way to the well

to those who deserve it

after all theyve earned it

but vain, its in vain

cause they dont need it

Those who think they can make it to heaven, those who think they're better than others based on how 'holy' they are. They don't need grace, or rather, don't recognize or feel the need for it. It's in vain.

The song might be addressing how a lot of people that commit themselves so completely to religious obedience and a standard of 'holiness' that they forget about what it means to be gracious and compassionate. And, at the sametime, the song is sort of a prayer of grace for those that are self-righteous.

just my two cents.

Cover art for The Hoard lyrics by As Cities Burn

Gibsonguitarist- I totally agree with you about the state of our music these days, but I don't totally agree with your idea about ACB selling out to secular ideas.

.... they say that good boys walk straight on white lines

good boys keep their livers clean

and smoke out of their lungs

cause its all about what you've done

good boys dont make mistakes to learn from

cause when heaven comes.....

I believe these lines represent what is a big problem in the Christian community nowadays. Many people believe (or the I'm more holier than you" that people cannot not make mistakes. The song is just stating that while drinking, smoking, etc. is not deemed acceptable in Christianity, grace is there to help you if you mess up. No one is perfect, and that is why there is grace.
My point is is that if everyone was strict Bible perfection, then what would be the point of songs being written to try and reach people that are sinning in the world?

Honestly, bands like UnderOath, As Cities Burn and Anberlin have made me reflect on my path with God more than some of the songs from church services. I think that as long as the message is good, you can relate to them sometimes better because they come from a flawed person like yourself. But thats just my 2 cents.

its obvious hes saying. drinking is bad. and smoking marijuana is ok. and yeah all you Christians are going to start a religious argument over this.but before you do find one place in the bible where it sais marijuana is bad.........exactly there isnt one.

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Cover art for The Hoard lyrics by As Cities Burn

the hoard is the church. all the people that are so focused on sin and completing themselves that they overlook the unwell. the well hog up grace like its something they can actually lose. nothing we do saves us. thats why jesus had to do it because we couldnt. so why do we fight to keep something we never were able to earn to begin with. we spend all our time focusing on our own wholeness which we dont need to do and let people around us gasp for breath in life. and its much more than just having do do with sin. its about pain and healing and how that never gets out because we just hoard it all up. meanwhile, heaven comes in love and those who are learning and being young could have had it all but they were denied it because judgmental Christians got in the way because they were so set aside that they built a wall about it.

the story of God is about love. not condemnation. not sin. not separation. not being holy. its about love and redemption. jesus died for love. he loved us, not to free us of sin, he loved us to love us. he would have regardless. thats the point. love is the point. sin isn't wrong because it just is...it's not even an issue of wrong, its and issue of separation. it damaged the relationship and it damaged us. God's plan is restore that relationship and bring healing. to love us and bring about or wholeness in his love. so fighting for grace, which is never ending and boundless is in vain. if we'd all get it in our heads that the point is love. we'd be better off. all of us. not just the well.

Cover art for The Hoard lyrics by As Cities Burn

I'd love some input on figuring this out, but i think it has something to do with Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman by the well in John.

Cover art for The Hoard lyrics by As Cities Burn

I'd love some input on figuring this out, but i think it has something to do with Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman by the well in John.

Cover art for The Hoard lyrics by As Cities Burn

Luke 5:31-32 basicaly sums up the entire song. It's basically just saying that like those who believe they are so righteous don't need to get into heaven. But coincidentally these people are the same who turn to spit on the needy and that Jesus isn't about any of that, but rather loving the weaker ones. I love it, but am kind of sad TJ and Pascal left.

Cover art for The Hoard lyrics by As Cities Burn

I love this song so much.

Cover art for The Hoard lyrics by As Cities Burn

Yeah, I agree with what you said, dedskeptic

Cover art for The Hoard lyrics by As Cities Burn

yeah....i was wrong, and dedskeptic you were right because i ended up asking him what it meant.

Cover art for The Hoard lyrics by As Cities Burn

My opinion may not be popular but I’m pretty sure it’s true:

Keep in mind this line: “now I let go of your hand somewhere between love and what it demands of me. Grace make your way, make your way”

i agree that it has to do with Jesus (or, the physician) coming for sinners (the sick) with grace and not for the righteous (the well) who don't need grace. However, i don't think they're speaking from the proper side of this revelation. It’s almost as if they're saying, "just because we're a Christian band, don't be surprised if you see us with a beer or cigarette because nobody is perfect." They're not painting the true picture of grace as a means to free yourself from sin; rather, they're using grace to console sinners. It’s like patting willful sinners on the back and saying, “don’t worry, without grace we’re all doomed anyway, so continue in your ways.” Doing that is using grace as a license to sin which leads to damnation. Grace was NEVER meant to make anyone feel comfortable in sin! Hebrews 10:26 says, "For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries." If in any way they’re painting grace as a “get out of jail free card” permitting willful sin, they’re proclaiming a false doctrine.

Think of ACB’s circumstance: They’re becoming a much bigger hardcore band because of the popularity of their last album. Instead of openly expressing their faith, they’re beginning to mask it and mold it into something that can fit into today’s pop culture. It’s a shame how bad the music industry is these days, primarily because Christian bands (take Underoath as another example) have to make a politically correct version of their faith in order to succeed. This seems to be the message ACB is sending with this song/album – it seems to be that they’re retracting the degree to which they want to be considered “strict Christians” in order to gain a larger fan base. I respect their roots, but if they’re blending in with the world now, what Christian value is there?

Haha I know this is a long response but it’s important to see the song from, what I believe is, the true angle. All the other opinions are really good and I’m not trying to sound “high and mighty,” but none of the other opinions can really explain the line from the song I mentioned above. It’s pretty blatantly declaring an abandonment of devotion to God at one level or another. Grace is there to pick us up when we fall while running the race of holiness. However, it is not there to let us fall asleep while we’re down on the ground.

God Bless,

Read James 4:4-10 in the Bible. It talks about a lot of what I said: -God and the world can never mix. Trying to be a friend of the world = HATING God -God gives grace to those who are SUBMITTING themselves to Him in humility. It’s not for those prideful enough to think they’re exempt from Hebrews 10:26. -Grace is for resisting the devil (and therefore, sin). Not an insurance policy for salvation. -the cleansing process (cleaning your life up from sin by God’s grace) requires one to be truly sorrowful over their sins – once again, NOT RESTING IN THEM!

"Next time you point your finger, I'll point you to the mirror" - Paramore

Cody's last line in the song isn't advocating willful sin whatsoever, it's called honesty.. something you don't see in the music industry you just bashed.. he's saying even though he loves God, it is impossible to think he's going to please Him in every given situation, to think you can undermines the Sacrifice for your sins PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. If you could earn your salvation why did Christ die for it? And I'd love to have a conversation with you about alcohol and...

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