11 Meanings
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Fuck The U.S.A. Lyrics

There really is nothing nice about USA
You go to the hospital you have to pay
The dollar is the language that they all speak
they don't really bother about the radiation leak


They keep their secrets undercover
the rich don't bother about those that suffer
this ain't the land of milk and honey
cause all they want is money money money


Nuclear bombs are fuck all new
you'd better start running when they drop on you
run into a shelter, play hide and seek
cause when you die your body reeks


There really is nothing nice about USA
You go to the hospital you have to pay
The dollar is the language that they all speak
they don't really bother about the radiation leak

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11 Meanings

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Cover art for Fuck The U.S.A. lyrics by Exploited, The

I partially agree with Romsca. It's NOT about discriminating against Americans and saying that all Americans are like this. Read the content of the song, it's true, you do have to pay for hospitals in America, America is the richest country in the world but they still keep trying to make more and more profit so the song is just reflecting that and also that America's government etc is so deluded in thinking that they're all about being built on freedom when it's obviously not true.

Cover art for Fuck The U.S.A. lyrics by Exploited, The

hmm id have to say there is a load of truth in this song. and a lot of narrowminded bullshit. people who arent actually living in america have no right to judge it. When I was in USA i met lots of really nice people and generally had a very positive experience. so basicly, this song is a bit wack.

Cover art for Fuck The U.S.A. lyrics by Exploited, The

You people obviously don't understand the punk psyche. This song is from back in Reagan's administration. I don't think they were trying to say that the UK was alot better, but they certainly weren't the major focal point of the nuclear buildup during the cold-war like the USSR and USA. Apocalypse/nuclear holocaust was a big theme of UK 82 and American Hardcore, and Japanese Hardcore of the times.

They were trying to say that the USA is certainly not the place of freedom it professed to be. Democracy was and arguably still is a sham. I don't need to get into the proof. Politics don't work, no matter what spectrum.

Don't get your self-righteous American heads all-heated up, please. Go comment on the music that best reflects people like you: mainstream happy-moron garbage. And no don't say I hate Americans, because I don't...I just hate naive tools.

Cover art for Fuck The U.S.A. lyrics by Exploited, The

do these guys have lives?

Cover art for Fuck The U.S.A. lyrics by Exploited, The


Cover art for Fuck The U.S.A. lyrics by Exploited, The

Yea, fuck the USA

Cover art for Fuck The U.S.A. lyrics by Exploited, The


Get the fuck over it.

Cover art for Fuck The U.S.A. lyrics by Exploited, The

stop bitching about what they sing. just let them say what they want. if this offends you just ignore it. The Exploited are awsome!!!!!!!

Cover art for Fuck The U.S.A. lyrics by Exploited, The

To Romsca...you seem to be the first intelligent person to post a comment on this and started a bit of others in the process. For that, thanks.

Alright, well, this song was definitely understandable if you were a punk in the 80s, but I would say most of it still applies very well today (save for that bit about the radiation leak, possibly. You could replace it with oil or general pollution).

I wish they would write a sequel to this song lol.

Cover art for Fuck The U.S.A. lyrics by Exploited, The

good song i agree it shows that yes America has so much freedom and its just run by extremely greedy people. sometimes when i look at America today i say fuck the USA! with the way things are run in this country all for money. the song is just saying that America is portrayed as such an amazing place yet it is full of the same money hungry people that can be found everywhere. and what makes it worse are the stupid Americans that think this country is the best and if you don't agree with everything you are not patriotic. this whole country was founded by punks!! those who are too patriotic become just mindless followers and if thats what we were like in 1776 well then we would still be under British rule. it takes a true punk to overthrow a government. well i guess the main thing is think for yourself and fuck the USA its not as great as the mindless over patriotic people make it out to be!