4 AM Forever Lyrics
yesterday I wanted time to end
I wonder if my heart will ever mend
I just let you slip away
4 AM forever
maybe we thought that it was all pretend
all these words that I could never send
I just let them slip away
4 AM forever
why don't you listen when I try to make it through (to you)
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, you'll never know
hold a little tighter
4 AM forever
maybe someday when you can hear this song
you won't let it slip away
4 AM forever
it's 4 AM and you are done
I hope you know you're letting go
it's 4 AM and I'm alone
why don't you listen when I try to make it through (to you)
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, you'll never know
hold a little tighter
why don't you listen when I try to make it through (to you)
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, you'll never know
hold a little tighter
4 AM forever

This songs a rather depressing song, the singer just lost his best freind, and he can't fall asleep, its 4 am, and he's still in the buzz of 'what happened?' and he's goign through the denial "why don't you hear me when I'm calling out to you".
A good song, with a sad feel too it
I think it's more about a girlfriend issue and the losing your closest friend would feel just like that or she meant that much to him. and the why dont you hear me part is her not talking to him after the fact
I think it's more about a girlfriend issue and the losing your closest friend would feel just like that or she meant that much to him. and the why dont you hear me part is her not talking to him after the fact

The band is called "Lostprophets". Get it right, not "Lost Prophets".
^ douche.
^ douche.

This song is one of the best on the album. At the verse I was all "I don't know, this is kind of a sketchy song." Then the chorus hit and I just said "Fuck." My favorite song on the album and I will be buying Liberation Transmission when it comes out.

Good song. I personally think that the person dying does so at 4am and because of the close relationship, the singer can't forget that moment and will always feel like it's the moment when their friend died. Lines like 'I wish the sun would never come' I think mean the singer knows that the friend is dying and wants it stay at 4am so the death doesn't happen. I've had a few drinks and that made more sense in my head, but hey ho...
I actually believe that this songs about losing a girlfriend or something of the type. "i hope you know youre letting go" kind of reflects how it was she who left him. I certainly passed through a situation where a girl left me recently and i can say this song fits in pretty damn well ^^ awesome song
I actually believe that this songs about losing a girlfriend or something of the type. "i hope you know youre letting go" kind of reflects how it was she who left him. I certainly passed through a situation where a girl left me recently and i can say this song fits in pretty damn well ^^ awesome song

Damn what a good song..
It is clearly about a good friend of the band/singer.. It makes pretty good sense that he/she died one day @ 4 am, and the singer often wakes up @ 4 am and thinks of him and hope the sun will never come up again..( » End of the world » he would be with his diseased friend.. )

i think almost everything is said, but i don't think the singer wants "the end of the world" or something,i think he wants time to stop so he doesn't have to let go because he doesn't want to go on as if nothing happened

i'm lsnin to this song as i'm typin this and i hopeee i can come to a thoro understanding of wut it means....well he starts off by talkin of a loss....it's as if he's stuck in the moment..in the sitatution ..in time...so 4:am could represent the time where this incident happened "4:am forever" as in he will live in this loss forever ....the words goodbye is also repeated quite alot ...again representing his loss....he is singin this song as if out of desperation: "Mabye someday when you can hear this song, You wont let it slip away"
maybe he is singin or writin this song at 4:am when he is 'alone' again its the same basic idea either way.... my best part of the song is the chorus tho ..he sings it with such emotion ...i can really relate to wut he is going thro...and im suprised that no one has commented on this gr8 song...anyways...this is wut i think:) hope to hear wut u ppl think! maybe im wrong:P

Another thought, it could be that he and his best freind got in a fight at 4 AM and now he regrets it, but his freind isn't willing to talk to him.

I kind of agree with you. But i think this song has more to do with some type of a relationship with a girl. He sings about "I wonder if my heart will ever mend? I just let you slip away." and also "Maybe I'll never see you smile again?" it just seems like its about a girl he really cared about and was close to. They were happy but something happened to end it and she's not there for him when he is in seriuos need. She was probably the person that helped him with things like this, but now he can't get help from her, because she is the cause of it. But thats just my opinion on it. Lost Prophets are fricken awsome.

Someone close to him has passed away whether its a friend/relative/girlfriend or whatever.. He wants time to stand still because he doesnt want to face the fact that it has happened.. That would mean he'd have to move on and he doesn't want to do that.. > The repetition of "4AM Forever".. I think he is lashing out at the loved one because he doesn't know who to turn to.. "I hope you know you're letting go".. Maybe he blames them for their death.. I dunno.. Just some thoughts...