Enjoy the Silence (Depeche Mode cover) Lyrics
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can’t you understand
Oh my little girl
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

this song was played on the vampire diaries wen viki id drunk and dancing with damon in his house. perfect song for the sceen.

this is one of anberlin's best songs ever! i think it means that sometimes we should just be quiet and enjoy the moment. not every single moment of our lives has to be filled with noise and words that cause harm
I agree, but I also find humor in this song when it's used as a weapon :)
I agree, but I also find humor in this song when it's used as a weapon :)

This song's a cover of "Enjoy The Silence" by Depeche Mode.

These guys did a cover of Enjoy The Silence too?

this and the other DM cover they did are excellent, i love anberlin, but somtimes the songs hit me too much.

Yah and i think i have a cover of them on Love Song by The Cure its cool.

First off, LOVE ANBERLIN!!!!! Have like all their cds! Second off, LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!! It was a great song to put in when Damon(MY FAVE VAMP EVER!!!!) and Vicki were dancing around his house!!! His little dance WILL be burned in my brain for all time!!!!

I first saw this in Vampire Diaries, and the song was stuck in my head so much, I got it!
Words like violence Break the silence Come crashing in Into my little world Painful to me Pierce right through me Can�t you understand Oh my little girl (saying it was a peaceful moment until someone started to say things that they probably didn't mean) All I ever wanted All I ever needed Is here in my arms Words are very unnecessary They can only do harm (Just shut up and stay calm) Vows are spoken To be broken Feelings are intense Words are trivial (someone is saying they will do something, but he truley knows to whom ever is saying them they don't mean a thing) Pleasures remain So does the pain Words are meaningless And forgettable (Obiviously, you can be happy, but you know there is still pain. Words don't matter.)
And the chorus is the same as the others.

first post? sweet.