Feel Good Drag Lyrics
"And we can stay for awhile."
My boyfriend's gone, we can just pretend.
Lips that need no introduction
Now who's the greater sin?
Your drab eyes seem to invite,
Tell me darling, where do we begin.
Your kiss, your calls, your crutch
Like the devil's got your hand
This was over before, before it ever began!
Your lips, your lies, your lust,
Like the devil's in your hands!
Everybody's tired of someone, our eyes wander for help
Prayers that need no answer now, cause I'm tired of who I am
You were my greatest mistake, I fell in love with your sin
Your littlest sin
Your kiss, your calls, your crutch
Like the devil's got your hands
This was over before, before it ever began!
Your lips, your lies, your lust,
Like the devil's in your hands!
You want my outline drawn!
You were my greatest failure,
Discourse your saving song!
Your kiss, your calls, your crutch
Like the devil's got your hands
This was over before, before it ever began!
Your lips, your lies, your lust,
Like the devil's in your hands!
Your kiss, your calls, your crutch
Like the devil's got your hand
This was over before, before it ever began!
Your lips, your lies, your lust,
Like the devil's in your hands!

I spoke to Stephen about this at a gig, the songs basically about enjoying being with someone, but you know it's wrong. so it drags you down.

This song is something that comes with a deeper understanding than someone just cheating on a boyfriend. It also ties into the emotional appeal of the couple having the affair. "Was this over before... before it ever began?" The guy in this song obviously has intense feelings for the girl. The dialogue in the first verse was an event that started something. Because in this affair, he fell in love with her, And she may have in return. But as they start to pursue their own relationship other than the affair, he realizes that things won't work because the foundation they built wasn't solid. Therefore he asks "Was this over, before it ever began?" Talking about their relationship. As he looks back and tells this story, he realizes that he never should have trusted her to begin with, because she wasn't the angel sent directly for him, "Like the devil's got your hand.." Meaning that his view on her is strictly now spiteful. If he was telling this in the present tense, he would not be talking about her as if she had the devil right beside her.. Because the narrator is not one that seems to be the "going after danger" type.
The second verse just generalizes the feelings of everyone not being happy with who they're with. Everyone who isn't happy is guilty of of doing this. Thinking they would/could be so much happier with someone else. It's just whether or not they pursue the action while in the relationship with another that makes the action "moral" or "civil" in the majorities eyes.

So I'm pretty sure I've got the lyrics right. I think its more or less about this girl who is using the singer only when it's convevient for her, like when her boyfriend is not around. The singer knows that they can never have a serious relationship, but fell for her anyways. It was just a disaster waiting to happen. This is a great song. I think it's different from the theme Anberlin has been focusing on, but still amazing!
Yeah, I interpret it as a man falling in love with a woman, but the woman was just using him to satisfy her lusts. She has been using him and using his emotions as if the devil is telling her what to do.
Yeah, I interpret it as a man falling in love with a woman, but the woman was just using him to satisfy her lusts. She has been using him and using his emotions as if the devil is telling her what to do.

In the first verse, it deals with a one on one situation as everybody has addressed. But in the second verse, it is more of a representation of society as a whole. We find it so hard to stay faithful because temptation and sin are always looming around every corner. Our desire and weakness are our crutches. It's like the devil has our hands, pulling us in. Later, it becomes who we are, and we start to resemble that which first tempted us. We become comfortably numb to our shady dealings with "old friends" that need no introduction. We know that nothing good will ever come of it and it can only lead to bad in the long run. Hence, it was over before it ever really began. Yet, we still are drawn to do it and it seems great, but is really only dragging us down.

I have noticed that hersh, I like the link from song to song a lot, and it is oddly befitting.

not really his voice flows so well , the passion is still there

this is my and my boyfriends song now. considering the fact that we started dating before i had ended things with my old boyfriend. this song made me think of everything i had been doing behind my boyfriends back. it's such an amazing and emotional song. i fell in love with it the first time i saw it. the live version is pretty good to, despite the fact that the lead singer loses pitch big time during the end of the song.

Umm i think that this song is actually very bibical. I just took a purity class and we actually talked about this song. My friends, group leader, and I broke the meaning down as that this is a guy and he has a girlfriend that is most likely not godly or pure and she is a huge stumbling block and a temptation to this man. She seems to be use her words to get what she wanted which was really to just bring this man down and tear him apart and then just get rid of him....which is kinda like what the serpent did to Eve...he twisted God's words and made it different to get what he wanted which was to mae Eve sin and go aginst God. I'm not sure if my meaning is right, but thats the way i thought about it.
I was reading on other sites what people thought the song meant, and there was one long thread debating the religious aspect of this song. So I think it's interesting that only one post mentioned that here.
I was reading on other sites what people thought the song meant, and there was one long thread debating the religious aspect of this song. So I think it's interesting that only one post mentioned that here.
But point being, a lot of people do seem to think this song has a religious intent, rather than simply being about cheating. And in that line of thought, I like this analysis the best.
But point being, a lot of people do seem to think this song has a religious intent, rather than simply being about cheating. And in that line of thought, I like this analysis the best.
And I've read a lot of stuff saying they are a Christian band, and if that's true I would say that this plus the rest of this thread,...
And I've read a lot of stuff saying they are a Christian band, and if that's true I would say that this plus the rest of this thread, from my 5-10-09 post up, creates the whole picture of this story.
I think u r totally right about it being biblical, but couldn't it also be a relationship. It is also really cool that u r disecting this song in your purity class
I think u r totally right about it being biblical, but couldn't it also be a relationship. It is also really cool that u r disecting this song in your purity class
Hey douchebags. It's a song, written by a band desiring the fruits of mainstream success. Yeah, they're a Christian band. Yippee.
Hey douchebags. It's a song, written by a band desiring the fruits of mainstream success. Yeah, they're a Christian band. Yippee.
I actually like this song in spite of that fact. I'm sure they have their personal agendas interwoven in the lyrics, but they are equally as likely to be attempting to hit a chord with people unlike you. Like me. The people that don't need "God" to justify their every move or thought.
I actually like this song in spite of that fact. I'm sure they have their personal agendas interwoven in the lyrics, but they are equally as likely to be attempting to hit a chord with people unlike you. Like me. The people that don't need "God" to justify their every move or thought.

I have a slightly different slant on the song but essentially similar;
"I'm here for you," she said
and we can stay for awhile,
my boyfriend's gone
we can just pretend.
So he meets this girl who's cheating obviously
Lips that need no introduction She does it alot, and probably she's known around the place Now who's the greater sin I feel like here he's referring to other sins -drugs, lies, etc, and asking which is the worst out of what she does? Your drab eyes seem to invite She's attractive to him, but the use of the phrase "drab eyes" either indicates she's high or that because of her sin she holds less attraction for him (tell me darling) Where do we begin. Here he's sort of saying darling where do I even begin in trying to figure out what is your worst sin? or where do I even begin in explaining whats wrong with what you're doing
CHORUS- She never had any real care for him, it was over before it began. Its mostly self-explanatory, her crutch is probably the buzz she gets from reeling guys in.
Everyone in this town is seeing somebody else Everybody's tired of someone our eyes wander for help Self explanatory he is losing faith in society
Prayers that need no answer now I'm tired of who I am He's frustrated at himself for falling for her tricks, perhaps his prayers need no answer because he knows he brings it upon himself You were my greatest mistake I fell in love with your sin Your littlest sin He feels guilty for being associated with this girl, or perhaps not being able to help her out of her own mess. He is attracted to her because of her promiscuity, which is her smallest sin in comparison to drugs, lies, cheating.
Failure is your disease She lives to fail and thrives in sin You want my outline drawn If he stays near her she will destroy him either by causing him to sin or by him falling in love with her and watching her destroy herself, it reminds me of the brand new quote "If you let me have my way I swear I'll tear you apart" You were my greatest failure Again failure in saving her from herself Discourse your saving song Discourse means communicating, she is probably very good at acting cute and drawing guys in. Guys don't really like girls who are absolute dirty hoes lol so this allows her to draw guys in and still have people like her. It saves her from looking like a complete sinner
Thats what I think the song means anyway...I sort of relate it to myself so its probably a bit biased. Its hard to explain why people act in self-destructive ways but you do get a buzz from drawing guys in and getting them to care about you then sort of tossing them aside. I feel like many guys including my ex have this opinion towards me.. they have cared about me and wished they could have saved me from some of the things I do. I am sort of good at acting cutesy as well xD
I like the line "I fell in love with your sin". I feel like it refers to how guys love it when chicks will randomly sleep with them, but the next day they'll just have no real respect and laugh with their friends about what hoes they are. The thing that they like about them is also the thing that they despise.
Moral of the Story- Don't trust a hoe :P

I LOVE the chorus! =D