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Knights of the Island Counter Lyrics

so we sit at this table with our hands on our laps
and we have a few drinks
and we share a few laughs
but now those days have past
and they're not coming back
it's a shame coz that's all that i had

and we'll sing out loud for hours
til the morning that we know we can't avoid
these nights are notable and priceless
i swear that every word i say
i mean until my dying day
it's a shame
when i wake i can't recall a thing
it's a shame
when i wake i can't recall a thing

so keep things quiet
til the rest of the street falls asleep
then we'll break out
and show everyone just what we're made of
so young
let's abuse our health and have a little fun
i'll drink to that
let's drink to that

and we'll sing out loud for hours
til the morning that we know we can't avoid
these nights are notable and priceless
i swear that every word i say
i mean until my dying day
it's a shame
when i wake i can't recall a thing
it's a shame
when i wake i can't recall a thing

i've got some problems but we've
got 10 dollars that's enough to get us wasted before
the night is over
these past five days i've been
completely sobre
but tonight i'm getting ripped wide open

i've got some problems but we've
got 10 dollars that's enough to get us wasted before
the night is over
these past five days i've been
completely sobre
but tonight i'm getting ripped wide open
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20 Meanings

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Cover art for Knights of the Island Counter lyrics by Dave Melillo

Its just about a good time.

Cover art for Knights of the Island Counter lyrics by Dave Melillo

A GREAT SONG, about having a good time.

Cover art for Knights of the Island Counter lyrics by Dave Melillo

this song is AMAZING. but yeah i think its about old friends getting together and laughing more about the fun they had in the past. then they decide that even though those days are in the past they can still have fun and experience what they had before. but i love this song mainly for its ending. its all a great song but the ending sounds so pure

Cover art for Knights of the Island Counter lyrics by Dave Melillo

to me, this song is about how no matter what happens when you grow up, you'll always remember those friends you had in high school and they'll always be in your memories for the rest of your life. and I have to agree with elianne, the end is so full of power and purity and it's just a really really incredible song.

Cover art for Knights of the Island Counter lyrics by Dave Melillo

I think this song is an amazing song. I think it is talking about looking back on high school and college days. Hanging out with your good friends drinking a little and talking about your problems then you start to try to drink away your problems to have fun and you have the best nights of your life but you cannot remeber the night before

Cover art for Knights of the Island Counter lyrics by Dave Melillo

I'm in love with this song.

The ending is beautiful.

Cover art for Knights of the Island Counter lyrics by Dave Melillo

how is 'tonight im getting ripped wide open' pure in ANYWAY...

Cover art for Knights of the Island Counter lyrics by Dave Melillo

a friend of mine made a slidshow with pictures of all of us (her friends) in it and she used this song.

i just get the image a bunch of high school friends coming together again and it being awkward at first, but then they just get back to how it was and have a really really good time.

Cover art for Knights of the Island Counter lyrics by Dave Melillo

DUH, it's about living your life & having a good time while you're young.


Cover art for Knights of the Island Counter lyrics by Dave Melillo

I agree, this song is purely about having a good time with good friends. Its nice.