4 Meanings
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Spider Web Lyrics

I dreamed about Ray Charles last night
And he could see just fine

Dreamed about Ray Charles last night
And he could see just fine, you know
I asked him for a lullaby
He said, "Honey, I don't sing no more"
No more, no more, no more
Ray don't sing no more

He said, "Since I got my eyesight back,
my voice has just deserted me.
No 'Georgia On My Mind' no more...
I stay in bed with MTV."

Then Ray took his glasses off
And I could look inside his head
Flashing like a thunderstorm
I saw a shining spider web

Spider web (repeat 3x)
In Ray Charles' head

I dreamed about Ray Charles last night
He took me flying in the air
Showed me my own spider webs
Said, "Honey, you had best take care.
The world is made of spider webs
The threads are stuck to me and you
Be careful what you're wishing for
'Cause when you gain you just might lose"
You just might lose your...

Spider web (repeat 3x)
What Ray Charles said

When you're feelin' lonely
When you're hidin' in your bed
Don't forget your string of pearls
Don't forget your spider web

When I go to sleep tonight
Don't let me dream of brother Ray
No, no, no, don't...
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he sees
Just like him best the other way

Spider web (repeat 3x)
What Ray Charles said...
In Ray Charles head

All I got's my spider web
Keepin' me alive
C'mon Ray
Song Info
Submitted by
butneveroutgunned On May 23, 2006
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4 Meanings

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Cover art for Spider Web lyrics by Joan Osborne

I used to hear this song a LOT growing up, as my mother had bought the album it was on after hearing "One of Us" on the radio (egad that dates me). In any case, I've obviously had a lot of time and repetitions to think on the possible meaning.

When I listen to this song, I picture the pattern of threads of the spider web representing a rather precise confluence of circumstances that when taken together in specific patterns, make each of us who we are. In essence when Ray is saying "when you gain you just might loose", he's saying that changing one little thing (like say his eyesight or lack thereof) changes the entire pattern of a person's life and personality in rather drastic ways. The gifts we have in life are often at the expense of something else, and hence the song is saying if Ray Charles had never been blind he would have never been interested in music enough to become such a skilled musician, and he's passing on that fact as a warning so that people appreciate that their talents are often the result of sometimes negative aspects of their lives.

When looked at from that perspective, I find it to be a rather deep song. It has certainly inspired me a great deal for a song that tends to get overlooked compared to others on that album, but I love it. :)

My Interpretation
Cover art for Spider Web lyrics by Joan Osborne

Dang I had wished someone would have commented on this song by now.

I don't really understand but as far as I can see is that the spider webs are what clouds Rays mind now that he can see and doesn't sing anymore. He wished for sight but the spider webs took away his ability to write and sings songs. Now that he can see he spends all his time on the couch (watching MTV).

I just don't understand what exactly the spider webs represent.

Anybody else with some helpful input please?

Okay, I'll take a shot at this.

We all have things about ourselves that we would like to change. Osborne is asserting that it's not that simple, because the things that you consider your weaknesses or handicaps may ultimately be connected to your strengths. She uses Ray Charles as an example of this. If he had been able to see, he might have done something else with his life instead of becoming a musician. (When he gets his eyesight, his voice deserts him.)

The "spider web" is a metaphor for how all the different facets of yourself are connected to...

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Cover art for Spider Web lyrics by Joan Osborne

I think it's a stupid song. I'm not sure I understand it, but I think it's about a trade off. Sometimes you get something you think you want, and in the process you lose something. I don't know if the web is a safe secure gilded environment or your own identity or something else. I wonder what Ms. Osborne in mind? I think spiders are creepy.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Spider Web lyrics by Joan Osborne

This song confounds me. She wrote it and recorded it while he was still very much alive. I do believe he died blind, so it's not really a circumstance that was going to play out, but it seemed like she was kinda zeroing in on the guy for some reason. Now the man did struggle with drugs, but I don't think that's what the song is about. She doesn't say specifically what her beef is, other than that when he re-gained his sight he lost touch with the music. For the rest of us, we might listen to this and see Ray as an extraordinary talent with an affliction that may have helped him develop that talent, so we might hear this song and think hard about what we might have to sacrifice in order to have the level of musical soul in Ray Charles.

But I can't ignore the persistent slight that it appears to be against the man. Like when she says "C'mon, Ray." It could be she just ran with the image in her head. But the fact that he was still alive when she recorded it just seems like she thought he was already gone.

I'd really like to hear Osborne herself explain what was up when she released this monumental pop album. I've listened to the entire album, very loud, many times. A lot of is absolutely unforgettable.

My Interpretation

@BadgerBadger I really don't see it this way at all, I don't think she had any beef with him whatsoever - i think she is showing him respect! At the end I think she was saying C'mon Ray, stay alive! Give us more music!