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Perfect Now Lyrics

Hey you miss wearing the crown
Run me around, draging me down
Hey you miss head of the class
Never come last, pain in the ass

Look who's perfect now
Got my head in the clouds
Look who's perfect now
Got my feet on the ground
Look who's perfect now
Got my head in the clouds
Got my feet on the ground
Look who's perfect now

Hey you miss never to fall
Standing so tall, knowing it all
Hey you miss living a lie
Flying so high, goodbye goodbye

Look who's perfect now
Got my head in the clouds
Look who's perfect now
Got my feet on the ground
Look who's perfect now
Got my head in the clouds
Got my feet on the ground
Look who's perfect now

Now I see, now I found
Now I know what you're about
I keep you out of reach
Won't let you pull me down
When I know your
My favorite superstition
Left me a piece but the puzzle's missing
Anything it takes to help me figure out
Look who's sorry now

Look who's perfect now
Got my head in the clouds
Look who's perfect now
Got my feet on the ground
Look who's perfect now
Got my head in the clouds
Got my feet on the ground
Look who's perfect now

Look who's perfect now
Got my head in the clouds
Look who's perfect now
Got my feet on the ground
Look who's perfect now
Got my head in the clouds
Got my feet on the ground
Look who's perfect now
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Submitted by
tbsfan01 On May 19, 2006
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Cover art for Perfect Now lyrics by Ashley Parker Angel

I never thought I'd actually think of buying his CD but... he does a cover of a Transister song? Damn dude! I've got to hear this!