No I am yours
With crippled anger
And tears that still drip sore
With misery
And when our eyes meet
I know you see
I do not want to die inside just to breathe in
I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists I find it when
I am cut
Or painfully shy
And these scars wouldn't be so hidden
If you would just look me in the eye
I feel alone here and cold here
Though I don't want to die
But the only anesthetic that makes me feel anything kills inside
I do not want to die inside just to breathe in
I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists I find it when
I am cut
I am not alone
I am not alone
No I am yours
With crippled anger
And tears that still drip sore
I do not want to die inside just to breathe in
I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists I found it when
I was cut

Okay so the song "Cut" by Plumb is just an amazing song in general. I first got her album at a killer concert, so I liked this song from the beginning. My interpretation of this song, is that in the beginning she feels hopeless. The need of help since she is desperate, and in pain. This song could be making a reference to god, that she wants god to help her. But in reality, it could be anyone really. She's calling out for help, and it may or may not be for god.
"Tears that still drip sore".....Okay in my opinion, she's saying when she crys, the pain doesn't go away even AFTER there's no more tears to shed, that there's emptiness still inside her.
I used to cut myself, not for suicidal purposes but it was a way that I could relieve stress, and when she cuts she feels the same way. You can tell that she wants help, she doesn't want to feel the guilt in life anymore, whether that be emotionally/spiritually or actually physically.
In the middle of the song, she's getting a little stronger, especially with the lyrics "Or painfully shy". This is a ground breaker right there, getting more confidence in herself and her feelings.
Then at the end of this song by Plumb, she finally gets over cutting. She does not cut anymore, she is speaking in past tense, as what she ONCE was but no longer is.
This song explains the last two years of my life perfectly, thank you for being a role model for everyone else in this world who feels just as depressed as you once did. To the people who think "ew cutting, this song isn't appropriate" Well actually, it really is. Once you understand the meaning behind this song, it cuts into your heart like a diamond, clearing you through the rough times.
ANy comments on my opinion? I'd love to hear yours :)
OH and when I was self harming myself, I did about 250 cuts at one time. At least that many, so I have many scars, and hav not regretted one of them when I stopped over a year ago, it's a part of who I am and it's put behind me, you shouldn't have to feel shame when others see.
First off, im reall sorry you cut yourself? and I know what its like so I can relate? And I think your actually totally right about the song. I mean I understnad why people might go "eeew cutting yourself?"...but something has to drive a person to cut themself? so its not as simple as it maybe sounds? I dont know im just suggesting ideas? Lol...anyway yeah I think your totally right....but..and you might not know the answer but did the singer actually cut herself?
First off, im reall sorry you cut yourself? and I know what its like so I can relate? And I think your actually totally right about the song. I mean I understnad why people might go "eeew cutting yourself?"...but something has to drive a person to cut themself? so its not as simple as it maybe sounds? I dont know im just suggesting ideas? Lol...anyway yeah I think your totally right....but..and you might not know the answer but did the singer actually cut herself?

I think this song is beautiuflly executed. Its just so deep, meaningful, passionate, and just.. breathtaking. It sorta has a personal meaning to me, but not in a "I'm gonna cry cuz this made me remember" sorta way. Just that I can relate. Ya, I used to cut. I'm blessed that I resolved myself with God before I took it any farther than I did. I didn't do it as much or for the same reasons as a lot of people. I didn't have the guts to use the dull serraded steak knife, thought someone might notice the nice sharp knives missing, and we didn't have any razors, so I used my old scissors. They were pretty dull, so I had to slowly rake the blade across my skin, pressing down as hard as I could. Then I would go over the same spot until I saw blood or just couldn't do it anymore. Then I'd move to another spot on my arm. I did it almost every night for about a week or two until my coworker noticed and made me stop. I pretended to be ok for another two weeks, but went right back to it, only on my thighs where no one would see. If you count by how many scars it caused, i did it about 20. I don't count by how many times I dragged the blade across my skin... That would be a lot. Most the time, I hear people say that they cut to feel something, or to relieve the emotional pain they feel. something to that effect. I didn't do it for either reason. I just hated myself. a lot. I hated being imperfect. And I saw every little imperfect thing I did and felt like I hurt everyone all the time. I always felt guilty and sorry and depressed and I just wanted to stop hurting. others and myself. I wanted to punish myself. I didn't want to relieve the pain, I wanted to inflict as much as possible. even after I cut, I would rub or scratch the cuts to make it hurt more to remind me of the pain, of my imperfections, of everything I'd done wrong. But in a weird way, I'm ok with all that now. Cuz its over and gone and its just a part of me now. Its in my past and thats not who I am anymore. I still hurt. I still go through the motions and get depressed and confused sometimes. But hey, I'm human. Thats what humans do. Because we all sinned, we hurt. Its the way things go. But I think that thats what this song is about. Its about how she got through her dark time by realizing she's not alone. Like at the beginning she feels alienated from God by what she's done. She almost feels like a stranger, but she's trying to say she's not. She's trying to get back. but she's still hurt and the tears still fall and sting. She wants it to stop, but she feels like she needs to cut to feel ok, to not feel numb. And then the "I may seem crazy or painfully shy but these scars wouldn't be so hidden if you would just look me in the eye" rings especially true. I really can relate to that. She's tired of being treated like a freak or like she's the crazy different one that everyone looks at funny. And people are always all shocked and hurt when they find out you cut, like you should've told them or talked to them about it, but they're always treating you different anyway, and they just prove the point when they freak out and treat them like you're disable after that. Like with me, i'm so used to the ones i love the most trying to decide things for me and giving me that dissapointed look when i don't decide what they wanted. Like i'm not good enough for them anymore. and i still haven't told most of them about it, over a year after the fact. Just cuz you get afraid of that judgemental "i'm dissapointed in you" look or how they'll treat you different if they knew. and ya, a lot of people do hide it. who wants to shout to the world, "hey i (used to) hate myself and cut myself to make it feel better. see my scars?"? But you can see in their eyes that they're not ok, if you just take the time to look. I think the whole point of the song, though, is in the last bit where she changes it to past tense "I fount it when I was cut" like she made it through the night; she doesnt' need that anymore because she's realized she's not alone and God helped her through that. Anway, thats my take on it... wow this is long. I haven't really gone this in depth into it to anyway. I hope this helps someone out there. Its only human to feel alone. but there's always Someone who understand what you're going through. one more little note: people always seem to think Christians are so perfect, that they don't have any problems or they don't feel pain. Wrong! getting saved and putting your trust in God doesn't mean you won't feel pain or that you're automatically going to be perfect. cleansing you of your sin and healing your scars takes time. It doesn't mean you won't ever hurt; just promises you won't ever have to go through it alone. :)
I've cut before, it wasn't for a particularly long time but that's how the song speaks to me as well. I think your story is really inspiring. Sincerely, A Friend
I've cut before, it wasn't for a particularly long time but that's how the song speaks to me as well. I think your story is really inspiring. Sincerely, A Friend
@jesusluvnsk8rchick Really appreciate how you put your heart out "on paper". My response to your sharing: WOW! I like the way you didn't sugar coat, especially at the end of your story - you didn't "put a nice yellow bow around it and say, "but then Jesus came in and took ALL my pain away". Cuz like you said when we become a Christ Follower or as a Christ Follower the pain (in general) doesn't disappear or at least not instantly. Forgive my cliche but "The Cross (REALLY DOES) come before the Crown". Keeping on being honest and...
@jesusluvnsk8rchick Really appreciate how you put your heart out "on paper". My response to your sharing: WOW! I like the way you didn't sugar coat, especially at the end of your story - you didn't "put a nice yellow bow around it and say, "but then Jesus came in and took ALL my pain away". Cuz like you said when we become a Christ Follower or as a Christ Follower the pain (in general) doesn't disappear or at least not instantly. Forgive my cliche but "The Cross (REALLY DOES) come before the Crown". Keeping on being honest and authentic Ms jesusluvnsk8rchick. Your honesty draws others (who are honestly searching, struggling)to Jesus C.

this is also my favorite song on this album. i more understood this song to mean cut like through a painful experience. the line "im not a stranger no i am yours" would be spoken to God. as in His child--no stranger. It is when we are cut or hurt in these painful experiences that we grow the most and realize how "not alone" we are. I really like the "dying inside just to breathe in" line. We as humans really do become completely dead/numb inside just to get through life. The only way we feel relief is using anesthetics(drugs, alcohol, sex) to numb the pain...

also "these scars wouldn't so hidden if you would just..." , i feel, means that these painful experiences have wounded her and caused "scars". That pain can be seen when you really look someone in their eyes. By the way, when the chorus is repeated the last time, it is past tense. ("i found it when i was cut)

Wow...For me this song is about relates perfectly to my feelings... beautiful!! >.<
"I'm not a stranger, no I am yours"....(for me) it is when people have cut themselves and their loved ones find out...and then freak.
Like if your mum finds out...she just looks at you in a weird way, like you're a stranger to her.
the the actual act...and it soes kill may help you get through things at the time but in the long run, it causes you to wilt and gradually die.
that is so true cuz when my mum found out she freaked it wus not good i was in so much troublefor hurting my self like that
that is so true cuz when my mum found out she freaked it wus not good i was in so much troublefor hurting my self like that

this song definetley upsets. i have/had friends that cut. and it kills me inside. self mutilation is horrible to grasp. and if you know someone who does or if you are someone that does, you should try your best to get them/yourself help.

first of all this song is the beauty and the horror of the truth. the whole song can mean so many things. the numb part means how your arm and whole body and then your mind get numb when you cut yourself. it kills inside because you don't want to have to cut yourself but you do. God's always there though, and he knows everything, and if you try, he'll help you make it through because you're not alone. Go to church and confession and lay in your yard in the middle of the night to scream- do anything, wait long enough and you can stop.

I really like this song.. I'm a self-harmer and there aren't many songs that explain it.. how it feels.. when your a selfharmer. (to me it feels like that) i really love it.

i love this song ... this is the first song of plumb that i had heard ...i had come accross it in vampire diaries and after this i ve loved all her songs ...all her soncgs touches the feelings that are burried deep inside u it ..cut ...damaged...all of dem <3 <3 <3
i have seen the first two seasons of vampire diaries its awesome
i have seen the first two seasons of vampire diaries its awesome
I heard it from TVD too ;) the song really spoke to me.
I heard it from TVD too ;) the song really spoke to me.

How I take this song is that something happened, a traumatic experience of some kind and the easiest way to get through it was by turning off her emotions, she made the decision that if all she was going to feel was pain she'd rather not feel at all.
When you decide to stop feeling, most of the time you feel empty, numb. But occasionally some of the pain slips out and no matter how much you cry it will always hurt to feel.
When she says "I might seem crazy, or painfully shy" what she means is that she emotionally distances herself from others so she won't be hurt again.
The 'scars' don't have to be physical. I identify very strongly with this song and I have never self harmed, but I have spent years emotionally numb because memories can be more painful than any blade. "these scars wouldn't be so hidden if you would just look me in the eye"
"the only anaesthetic that makes me feel anything kills inside" the 'anaesthetic' is not a relief from pain, but a relief from the cold emptiness she is feeling. It 'kills inside' because when she tries to feel all that is left is pain. "I do not want to die inside just to breathe in" is the same. Her only 'relief' from nothing is pain.
After a while you begin to feel like a stranger to yourself. You spend so much time and energy not feeling that you forget how to feel, how to be anything but empty.
This song is all about looking in the mirror and seeing a stranger, after losing yourself to emptiness the only thing left to feel is the pain you were trying to avoid in the first place.