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Sharptooth Lyrics

10 o’ clock on Monday night, and I’m still in the past
Feelings change, and people fade, but the memories, they last
I missed the chance, slipped through my hands, I wish I could go back

I’d change it all. The words I’d say, reflecting back on yesterday

But now I’ve turned the tables
and I’ve had time to make amends and find my friends
Oh, I’ve made mistakes, I know this. But I can’t change the past
And I can’t change you

10 o’ clock on Monday night, and I’m still in the past
Feelings change, and people fade, but the memories, they last
Can’t change you! I’m stuck in the past!
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Submitted by
you Fail Me On Jan 23, 2006
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Cover art for Sharptooth lyrics by Set Your Goals

Pretty simple idea they've got going here.

After presumably screwing up their relationship with an unspecified person (could be anyone from a friend to a family member), they're sitting up at night the next day thinking about how they could have avoided the situation or made things better, until they eventually accept time goes on - closing by saying "I'm stuck in the past!" to acknowledge what it is they're really doing.

The title is also likely a reference to the character "Sharptooth" from "The Land Before Time" series. It is entirely possible that the character "Sharptooth's" reckless behaviour is being compared to the narrator's own within this song.

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