Hold Your Colour Lyrics
colours that held us up against the wall
when they take everything away
hold your colours against the wall
(opened your eyes)
when they take everything away
hold your colours against the wall
soaking through
(with me)
(opened your eyes)
don't try to save yourself - the circle is complete
in reaching out and into you, nothing else could touch me
when they take everything away
hold your colours against the wall
soaking through
(with me)
twisted the knife, till you were in the right place
don't try to save yourself - the circle is complete
(opened your eyes)
soaking through
and starting not to show at all
in reaching out and into you
nothing else could touch me
when they take everything away
hold your colours against the wall
when they take everything away
hold your colours against the wall
with me
(opened your eyes)

I actually think it's trying to say that everyone has some core aspect that is uniquely theirs, and at the end of it all, that's what remains with you, and you need to seize it and show the world (hold your colours against the wall).
Like, everyone can take everything away from you but your colours, and you should be proud of that. Know what i mean? And when you realize that, "nothing can touch you".
In between the verses that are posted up something gets said, but nobody ever wrote the lyrics for that bit. What is it?
Twisted the Knife and opened your Eyes
Twisted the Knife and opened your Eyes
Soaking through.
Soaking through.

Makes me feel like im high when im not high. So I win in two ways. I can't o.d. and it can last however long i want it to.

I used this song as a basis for my last art assignment. I think it went really well. It's a good title track. Its about leaving parts of yourself.. in others.. about making a difference.. somewhere you thought you couldnt.

what a fukin tune
when they came on at global I was alrdy well out of the game but I remember this being the best

hello i was just listenin to the song again for about the trillionth time coz its such a gd song 2 listen 2 whenever and whereever no matter wat ure doing and at about in the song after reading all your comments that bit that everyone thinks is push in the knife now open your eyes well i think your all right as if you listen carefully about 3:29 in you can hear it however i dont think it says it everytime when u cnt hear it very clearly i think it changes....which annoys me as now i wanna know wat the other lines are. All the best Chopper

I just wanted to tell everyone what the lyrics are because very few people actually know because the vocal tracks have been messed around with so much. I wanted to correct the lyrics, but I couldn't find anywhere to do it.
Anyway, taken from Rob's myspace (one of the band members) "soaking through...to the colours that held us up against the wall
[chorus] hold your colours against the wall when they take everything away hold your colours against the wall with me
[electro stadium bit] twisted the knife, opened your eyes twisted the knife, til you were in the right place
[verse 1] she looked into your eyes and saw what lay beneath don't try to save yourself - the circle is complete in reaching out and into you, nothing else could touch me
[verse 2] fading gently, soaking through...and starting not to show at all in reaching out and into you, nothing else could touch me"

I agree with mostly everything that people are saying. But I think that "she looked into your eyes and saw what lay beneath, don't try to save yourself - the circle is complete" is talking about fate. I think the girl saw him for who he truly was, and their true colors connected into one. This created the complete circle, or, the two people being discussed completed each others personalities because they were meant for each other.

For me this song is about now matter how hard people bullshit you, always stay true to yourself. Don't let your color soak through and blend with those of others, because your color is what makes you unique in a way. Also direct eye contact can tell alot about a person, and no matter how the other person will judge the circle will be closed. It's not up to you, not to them. But always stay true to yourself.

I know this song was released almost a decade before, but it really reminded me of Dave Eggers' "The Circle".
Especially when thinking about the ending (Book 3) or just the phrase "the circle is complete". Hope they might use it in the soundtrack when the film is released.

Mmmm, I love this song. :)