26 Meanings
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In Fact Lyrics

Step one: light me on fire
Step two: walk clean away
I won't burn long
And evidence of your done wrong will be gone
In seconds I swear
But if you got time anyway
Why not watch me hurt?
And nothing is sweeter than needed revenge
Oh that's right
I did nothing
And you were the mean one
In fact, you even broke my good tape deck
In fact, don't wanna be friends

But if you got time anyway
Why not watch me hurt?
And nothing is sweeter than needed revenge
Oh that's right
I did nothing
And you were the mean one
In fact, you even broke my good tape deck
In fact, don't wanna be friends
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Submitted by
nervous Tic On Dec 17, 2005
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26 Meanings

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Cover art for In Fact lyrics by Gregory and the Hawk

she was hurt by a man...he hurt her and just walked away, but she's telling him not to worry because soon enough, she won't care and she will forget about him, or at least she is trying to convince herself of this. she's finding his flaws - he broke her tape deck. she hates him for hurting her and treating her like dirt, but she loves him at the same time, even though she is trying to rid herself of that feeling. she doesn't say she loves him, but it's obvious from how she speaks of him.

Cover art for In Fact lyrics by Gregory and the Hawk

'infact, you even broke my good tape deck' Could this song get any cuter?

Cover art for In Fact lyrics by Gregory and the Hawk

imo this song gives of the vibe of someone who was abused and tried to repress the memory. she obviously holds all this bitterness and resentment towards the subject ("memory of your done wrong", "needed revenge" etc.) and yet when she tries to explain what the subject actually DID, she only says "you even broke my good tape deck". this gives me the feeling that maybe she knows deep down that the subject is a bad person who has hurt her, and yet she can't bring herself to admit what truly happened/ is happening.

My Interpretation

sorry it probably looks kind of narcissistic that i liked my own comment, it was a misclick i swear.

Cover art for In Fact lyrics by Gregory and the Hawk

I think she is trying to find out what she has done wrong in the realtionship. She knows she will be ok, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

Cover art for In Fact lyrics by Gregory and the Hawk

i agree with megn, he hurt her and walked away. shes really vulnerable so pretends like she doesnt care and that shes fine, but inside what he did is killing her.

Cover art for In Fact lyrics by Gregory and the Hawk

eee i love this song!! so cutely bitter

Cover art for In Fact lyrics by Gregory and the Hawk

good summary jacccck.

Cover art for In Fact lyrics by Gregory and the Hawk

The start of this reminds me of Alk3 - This could be love lyrically. They're both about fire and the "step one:" Love this song.

Cover art for In Fact lyrics by Gregory and the Hawk

The carousel remix of this song is good

Cover art for In Fact lyrics by Gregory and the Hawk

for such a short song, it evolves so quickly.

in the begining, she seems almost pathetic. hurt. torn apart. but when she says the 'oh that's right, i did nothing.' it's almost as if everything before it was bitter sarcasm. she points out that he did wrong, not her. with the childish line 'you even broke my good tape deck.' shows that he was careless in everyway, and how bitter and over it she is. she clearly doesn't want him in her life any longer, and the last line being 'IN FACT, i don't wanna be friends.' is like a stab at his heart. (perhaps the way he stabbed hers?)

that just my opinion.