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Red To Black Lyrics

I had a friend named Victor
The two of us used hang every single day
And it seemed like overnight that his whole life just changed
I know when his mom and his dad broke up it didn’t make sense
But I know that his dad was a drunk and he gambled away the rent
Pretty soon Vic was seeing red, pissed off, but instead
He'd drink every night 'til he passed out
Then he'd do it all again
The whole time smiling on the outside to cover the pain
But on the inside all he was trying to do was get away

Yo, funny how things change color
Then fade to another shade, when you had it made
It was all good, but now look, just another day
It was so fresh, it was so clean
Now it's all gone, one, two, three
Lights out, which way to turn
Can't get a grip, all alone in a big white house
Every day gets worse and you just curse 'til your head bursts
And it hurts so bad, she left, now you suffer
Should've thought of that one first
No family, no kids, can't accept what you did, now you wanna
Run away but you can't cause the past comes back again

Slippin' through the cracks, sip a little Jack
Go to bed half dead
What about rent? Why does every cent gotta be a bet
When's it gonna end
Oh my God, we don't got a penny left
My mom's gotta find a way to get a job
Outta debt, outta dodge, out of breath, out of this big problem
My pop's wanna get away from the pain
In a better place in his brain
But the medication he takes makes him wasted
So sick if he's gonna think the good Lord would come to take him
I'm shaking him
Wake up you son of a bitch

Jonah / Kenna:
He's dying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday
Go slipping through the cracks
Hiding himself away
Watching all the memories fade away
From red to black
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30 Meanings

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Cover art for Red To Black lyrics by Fort Minor

NO FUK Josephine16!!! dont just post for the sake of it jesus people why do u spam!!! only post if its worth posting THI GOES FOR EVERYONE

Cover art for Red To Black lyrics by Fort Minor

Just a common divorce situation. Pretty much explains itself. The thing that I'm a bit confused about it why his parents split if they're both dead broke? Are they f'ing retarded? Ever heard of 'stay together for the kids'? Their first priority should be their son (Victor).

Whatever - just a song, one of the best on the album...

Cover art for Red To Black lyrics by Fort Minor

I agree this is one of the best on the album! And i also agree with the parents staying together for the kids. They have no idea how much it hurts! Victor kinda reminds me of myself. 'he's dying to get away let the pain of yesterday go slipping through the cracks' it seems like he is just taking it in but not letting any of it out. And it says 'i know when his mom and dad broke up it didn't make sence' it seems like Victor wasn't letting it out. He wasn't telling his friend what was wrong and there for he was lost and confused. but that is just what i think!

Cover art for Red To Black lyrics by Fort Minor

boys n girls, u got a dad whos drinkin hard, n as u think to yaself mmmm? alcohol dosnt come pipped with ur water suply.. i dont remember there being an alcohol tap nxt to the cold water one in my house?....NO SHIT! daddy dearest blowin all the money on drugs n alco, N old boy ViC was foolowin in dads footsteps drinkin to get tha pain away.. So mummy split coz she da fool payin for dads pills n blackjak... Paint a Picture for Ya Nuff?? U say stay for the kids, I say split for the Kids...


Peace Bitcheeessss

Cover art for Red To Black lyrics by Fort Minor

I do agree with Blank_Canvas, It was probly better for Victors parents to split.

Cover art for Red To Black lyrics by Fort Minor

Not if they 'don't have a penny'.

Lol, they could always just sell the asshole into the Eastern slave labour trade and get a bit of cash.

Cover art for Red To Black lyrics by Fort Minor

cold hearted bitch Bryn2587, that i totally mean

Cover art for Red To Black lyrics by Fort Minor


Cover art for Red To Black lyrics by Fort Minor

umm if he were thinking of the kids, he wouldn't leave or split, he'd quit being a selfish prick and stop blowing the familys money on his habit

Cover art for Red To Black lyrics by Fort Minor

Well maybe the father was a selfish prick o_0 so um, I don't think that's the point of the song