31 Meanings
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You or Your Memory Lyrics

I checked into a bargain priced room on La Cienega,
gazed out through the curtains of the parking lot.
walked down to the corner store just before nightfall in my bare feet.
black tarry asphalt, soft and hot.
and when I came back I spread out my supplies.
on the counter by the sink,
I looked myself right in the eyes

st. joseph's baby aspirin,
bartles and jaymes,
and you or your memory.

I ducked behind the drapes when I saw the moon begin to rise,
gathered in my loose ends switched off the light.
and down there in the dark I can see the real truth about me.
as clear as day, lord if I make it through tonight
then I will mend my ways and walk the straight path to the end of my days.

st. joseph's baby aspirin,
bartles and jaymes,
and you or your memory.
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31 Meanings

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Cover art for You or Your Memory lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

I always took this to be somewhat about suicide. He sets out his "supplies", he's obviously intending to do something. Pills and alcohol are never a good mix, but it seems that he took a less deadly route with the baby aspirin, as opposed to regular strength aspirin. It seems to me that this song takes place much later in life than the rest of the events on the Sunset Tree album, and it sorta sets the mood for the rest of the record. The "you" is most likely his step-father, since the album does center around his relationship. This event could have taken place after his step father's death, although I doubt it, because it kinda contradicts the songs that obviously are about his step fathers's death. But there is definitely some significant break in their relationship in this song, and he's once again fled from home. It's obvious that he's in a state of despair here, he dosen't even bother to put on shoes when he goes down to the store. He's really looking inside of himself, and seeing what he's become, and it seems to me that he's putting himself through this test, with the alcohol and the pills. If he lives through it, he knows he deserves life and will begin to live it to it's fullest.

Cover art for You or Your Memory lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

There's someone else he's thinking about though, "you or your memory".

I think that someone else is actually himself. He's looking at himself in the mirror and ackonowledging his let himself down and that he needs to get his act together. Sort of a "What am I doing with my life?" moment.

Cover art for You or Your Memory lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

His addiction/problem/experiemntation? with drugs. At the store he bought 'St. Joesph's' (Brand Name) baby aspirin and 'Bartles and Jaymes' (a wine cooler drink...spelled wrong in the lyrics...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartles_%26_Jaymes). There's someone else he's thinking about though, "you or your memory". He understands what he did was wrong, and if he makes it through the night he'll change his ways.

Wow. Overanalyzing lyrics is stupid. Forget this. Just take them for what they are. I was moreso

Cover art for You or Your Memory lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

It's "La Cienega," a street in Los Angeles that is officially on the more affluent West Side, but parts of it are a little rugged.

Not much to analyse here. It's painfully straightforward, poigniant, and right on target. There's really nothing about drugs here, in my opinion. He's wandering around in the night looking for aspirin, full of introspection. it happens.

Cover art for You or Your Memory lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

an amazing song, sad and beautiful... one of my favorites of all time

Cover art for You or Your Memory lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

sounds almost suicidal to me.

Cover art for You or Your Memory lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

This song always reminds me of breaking up with someone you live with and having to leave. Checking into a cheap motel and just sitting there alone pondering your life.

Cover art for You or Your Memory lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

Yes. Checking into a cheap motel, pondering life. I think the "you or your memory" is a reference to the step-father. He's feeling awful about his life and the memory of the past is always there haunting him. The song opens the album and such a reference would be a good introduction to the recurrant theme of his step-father.

Cover art for You or Your Memory lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

I'll also add that I had an ex once who couldn't swallow pills easily so she would always buy baby aspirin (which is chewable) so she wouldn't have to swallow it. Probably why it's included in this song. Maybe Daniel has problems swallowing pills too. :)

Cover art for You or Your Memory lyrics by Mountain Goats, The

I fixed the errors in the lyrics.

Love this song, the way the music starts at the beginning, the lyrics, the way john sings them...everything.