Aurora Borealis Lyrics

One of the most incredible sounding songs ever. No lyrics, but if you want to hear that pure, unaldultered, spaced out Puppets sound, that leaves you feeling like you've spent too long under the sun in the desert, this is the song to listen to


looove this song. it's all about the diminished 5th. ooooh ya.

The first time I tried Salvia this song randomly came on as I dove head-first into a different world. I remember hearing this song burst in and the walls of my room ripping apart like paper, revealing a vast desert infront of me.
Yeesh...but, yeah, Meat Puppets rock!

holy shit! the desert. wow. i think i love it.

Nice stuff.

desert thunderstorm or blurry rain drops running down a window that's what i think of

i think of just an incredible song. i need this right now. anyone know where i can find it online?
Probably irrelevant now, but just download a bitTorrent (just google utorrent download if you can't find one), then go to, or or just google 'meat puppet aurora torrent' or something.
Probably irrelevant now, but just download a bitTorrent (just google utorrent download if you can't find one), then go to, or or just google 'meat puppet aurora torrent' or something.

Another instumental from MP2 is the wonderfully demented and lovely "I'm A Mindless Idiot" which is not mentioned here on songmeanings until now.