We Will Be Dissapointed Together Lyrics

I’m waiting with my arms up high
My eyes pulled tight to lines of worry
That you won’t meet me here tonight
Am I reaching enough?
Am I reaching at nothing?
Am I reaching enough?
Am I reaching at all?
Tonight we will be disappointed together
This sickness for you hands abounding
Like some holy disease
A perfect symphony resounding
5 Meanings
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i think this song is about feeling like God isn't there when things are hard sometimes. it's beautiful. i love it.

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I think that this song isn't necessarily about doubt that God is there or not, it's more of just a call during the hard times. In the first half of the song, he feel downtrodden and like he can't connect with God anymore, and in the last half, he's saying that he's going to go to God anyway, even though he has some sort of weight or sin in him. They can both be disappointed together, and isn't it true that when you find someone to be disappointed with it usually makes you feel better? Great band; can't wait for the new album.

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i agree more with KAC89. I think this song is about how we disappoint God and how that puts a wedge between Him and us. It creates all this doubt, but ultimately the author of this song finds almost a twisted comfort in the mutual disappointment of his sins; that God is disappointed in him, but so is the author disappointed in himself. This mutual disappointment creates a common ground for the reconciliation between man and Creator.

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At one of their shows, he explained what this song was about, and he said he wrote it after someone he knew died at an early age. After asking God why and how he could let this happen, he came to realize that Sin brought pain into this world, and that God was disapointed as much as he was and it comforted him to know that "tonight we will be disapointed together"

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Jeremy Edwardson at a show in Lawrence, KS said the song was written about a friend who swore up and down he was seeing this "event" at a local lake. He'd go there late at night and watch this strange light appear on the water. His friend invited Jeremy out to see the light and he went, but nothing ever appeared. He also said the lake was the local Clinton lake so he was probably blowing smoke up everyone's ass.

Song Meaning
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