5 Meanings
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Hau Ruck Lyrics

Malt doch nicht immer
Den teufel an die wand
Euer ewiges gewimmer
Kostet den verstand

Krempelt hoch die ärmel und
Atmet tief durch
Wir werden es schon schaffen
Trotzet eurer furcht

An deck jetzt alle
Drauf und dran
Spuckt in die hände
Packen wir's an

Hau ruck
Ruck zuck

Macht gute meine
Zum bitterbösen spiel
Ihr habt nichts zu verlieren doch
Gewinnen könnt ihr viel

Schnallt den gürtel enger
Nähret euren zorn
Den letzten kriegen die hunde
Schaut entschlossen nur nach vorn

Zusammen jetzt alle
Zieht den karren aus dem dreck
Unsere rücken unsere fäuste nur das
Mittel zum zweck
Song Info
Submitted by
cool Coz On Sep 19, 2005
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5 Meanings

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Cover art for Hau Ruck lyrics by KMFDM

Great song, one of KMFDM's best in a while.

Cover art for Hau Ruck lyrics by KMFDM

ok, i consider myself a big KMFDM fan. and in no way is hau ruck their worst album yet. all of their songs are good. i dont know what its about though since its in all german.

Cover art for Hau Ruck lyrics by KMFDM

Found multiple translations in Google search, and my Deutsche isn't good enough to verify the language. But there they are:

Lyrically (http://lyricstranslate.com/en/hau-ruck-heave-ho.html) Lyricstranslation (http://lyricstranslate.com/en/hau-ruck-heave-ho.html)

Cover art for Hau Ruck lyrics by KMFDM

This song must be the beginning of the end for long-time KMFDM fans who stuck it out through the huge change of pace that was Attak and WWIII.

The message I hear most about this album is that without Raymond Watts, KMFDM can no longer even make a tolerable album.

Cover art for Hau Ruck lyrics by KMFDM

Really? Everyone I know has been saying this is KMFDM's greatest ever. All I hear is good reviews.

But I think that besides this song and "Auf Wiederseh'n", this album isn't worth getting. This song is one of their best in a while.