Megalomaniac Lyrics
Glück ist nicht käuflich sehnsucht bleibt unerreicht
Preisrätsel winken nimmersatt
Kein mitleid für die mehrheit
Apostolic Alcoholics
Messianic Manics
Hype and mediocrity
Celebrate relentlessness
Menace to society
Terrorism our trade
Sabotage and piracy
Chaos our mental sate
Intended for the faint of heart
Cultish and Anthemic
Until death us do part
Spitting bile at all you whore
Razor-sharp tongue-in-cheek
Poking in your open sores
The ultimate disgrace
Wrapped up as a gift of god
Exploding in your face
Eternal revolution this is our sound
KMFDM better than the best
Megalomaniacal and harder than the rest
Der verrat an der seele macht leben ungesund
Mit unschlagbaren reimen werden wir uns vertreiben
Die zeit der langen weile bis zum grossen bums

song definitely fucking amazing ToxicFool has the right idea
anyone know what KMFDM stands for?

<anyone know what KMFDM stands for?>
Line 4 will tell you (it means 'no pity for the majority')

I remeber hearing this in Street Fighter 2, it is a really cool song.

Ah, I've heard the other way around: Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid--that is, no majority for pity.

did anyone ever stop to think that maybe it's "no pity for the masses"? Meaning no pity for the ppl... instead of no pity for the majority... meaning... no pity for whatever there's more of lol

I love the lines:
"Like a fiendish tropic virus Spitting bile at all you whore Razor-sharp tongue-in-cheek Poking in your open sores"
It's just so goddamn random. Love it.

I love these: "nihilistic mystics apostolic alcoholics messianic manics cataclysmic and prolific in the age of super-boredom hype and mediocrity celebrate relentlessness menace to society"
This whole song is really awesome. I've heard two different versions of it, but both of them have just been labelled as "Megalomaniac", so I'm not sure which one is the original and which is the remix.

This song made me thankful for my five years of German. I heard this in the Film Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, and fell in love with it. Even now, when playing the game on PS, I have to be listening to this song (and when I play Scorpion, I am unbeatable, until my thumbs get tired). This song, like many of theirs, is so chock full of angry energy, such a driving pulse, that impells you to get up and do ...something. Not bad for sex, either.

This song is so catchy. I love his passive voice while he sings. It makes it seem like he doesn't care.
The Excessive Force Mix of this song is really really good aswell.

I remember hearing this song in Test Drive 5, and that is what got me into KMFDM.