Too Little Too Late Lyrics
... or force her into telling the truth? i wonder if this is all a bid for hedonistic excuse: laugh to erase the dirt on your mind, focus on something else and let that take precedent over the other bit (clothing, sex, pain, general vice) that we've failed to live up to, our "childhood friends/dreams."
i don't know. just a thought?
I'm not really one to argue based on the Bible (don't wanna get tied down), but I very strongly believe this song is about how the lives we're living are totally not how god made us to live. Too much sugar, too much phoniness, too little exercise, too little reward for spirit. Our heads are heavy with useless information. Modern Western society is the only place in the history of man that you find things like chronic depression, asthma, obesity, etc. Things like love, courage, and spirit don't make as much money as other things, and so they are discredited, useless, unmarketable skills.
It all makes me wanna not care what I wear, and in fact take it all off. Makes me feel really good to listen to this song, or watch the scene from Network where the guy says: "I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, 'I'm a HUMAN BEING, God damn it! My life has VALUE!'" or read that quote from Johnny Rotten: "You don't write 'God Save The Queen' because you hate the English race. You write a song like that because you love them, and you're fed up with them being mistreated". Ted Kaczynski saw that this modernity and the myth of progress and technology and shit was an unstoppable force, that we've done too little too late since the Industrial Revolution to prevent our own destruction. I like to think it's not too late, coz otherwise all we can do is blow each other up.
@ofnothing thats what was i thinking about, i like the way u think dude! we were not made to live this way for sure! and of course this will change!
@ofnothing thats what was i thinking about, i like the way u think dude! we were not made to live this way for sure! and of course this will change!
Yes, it can be taken sexualy (alot of their songs can be, really..)
but it can also be taken religiously "tie my right hand to the bible" I think it's saying we're kind of forced into religion, being force fed spirituality
i saw metric last night, and this song blew my mind. i like what you wrote, hectic, that's about what i think when i hear this song
I saw Metric on the 11th in Philadelphia, and the whole concert blew my mind!
Metric rules!
And I think maybe the person she is seeing is having some problems - he/she does not like his/herself, not satisfied personally with who he/she is. Perhaps this person searches and searches for completion - that something to fill the void (hence she tells him/her that he/she can take the live wire into the bathtub for the type of shock he/she cannot find else where.) She is taking his/her search to a mocking level because this person probably will just never be satisfied, and she realizes this. but perhaps she just keeps trying to fill his/her void with sex? (Sex in the band room rug, motel,...)
Does that make sense?
it's aimless and almost nihilistic. all of that waste-the-future-away-ness and resignation and cuffs at religion. oh, my god, i love this song.
I'm positive it's a song more about morals dictated by others and how it affects human behavior... I'm not positive if it's a pro-individualist song or a dig at the selfishness of the actions of those in the song.
(The line is you CAN'T take a childhood friend to the bedroom
im pretty sure its about having a lot of things on your conscience and tieing your hand to the bible. is simly a way to try and be forgiven for the things you've done
ah i love this song. metric definitely need some more recognition in the UK! Although I'm tempted to hope they don't so i can keep them all for myself hehehe
I think they were very permiscuous he was probably a religous person who had a very kinky side. Always searching for feelings he couldn't find. and he tries to get her into religion but it's to late for either of them to be saved. tie my right hand to the bible is kind of telling me that she knows it isn't right but she can't say no. I also think of a homosexual lesbian relationship. "Place your swolen lips on mine" could be reffering to a different kind of lips which also makes since with the religious aspect of it. she knows its wrong but she can't help it. and also the song kind of hints at a secret love. Im not saying that Emily is a lesbian.