Bullets Lyrics
so where is jesus now and where do I belong
What is faith if there is no proof?
The answer is the same but not for anyone, the question lingers on
Humans do their worst the find out what that is
A mystery known to many as the divine... it's their dime
We read the whole thing wrong
And guidance should be used like a tool
When it gets handed down
It tends to get so damn confusing for a fool
That's why our love divides itself into a thousand pieces
Like bullets shot in vain, without sight
I DEMAND TO KNOW WHY NO ONE HAS COMMENTED ON THIS!!!!!!!!!!! ok i think i know why..its quite a deep song..has many meanings... well i've got my work cut out for me LOL....
wow i can't believe how much this song sorta realtes to me..it's how i think..... it asks so many questions that noone has the answers for...
well im always curious about everything.....i did a friggen whole project on curiosity!!! wat is faith??...well lets see...
- Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
- Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
- Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.
- often Faith Christianity The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
- A set of principles or beliefs.
Can u tell i got this off the net?? i have faith i believe strongly in something, someone or that sumthings goin to happen...anyone seen the movie serendipity..no...well then fine..i can no longer explain....
the movie is strongly about faith..it's like a love story, and it was faith that they met again..blah blah blah
arraagghh this song is too hard to explain...it's just sayin that nobody really knows...and that u shouldn't believe everything everybody else thinks and believes. You should have ur OWN opinions........"like bullets shot in pain without sight" i THINK i hav a rough knowledge of wat this means, but could sm intelligent person please explain to me..
btw..awsum song..ALL NUFN songs are GREAT and the BEST
Excuse me for my poor english, I'll try to explain this song but take in count that I don't have enough expressions to reach a full explanation.
I was also surprised because nobody had explained this song before. But when I heared it, It influenced my feelings. It's one of those songs that generates one smile into your face when you hear it. The beautifull of this song is that the interpretation can be different and here comes the paradox. I'll try to explain what I feel about it. I'll only coment the first paragraph and if people continue answering I'll try to continue with the rest.
Alone on stage without song so where is jesus now and where do I belong What is faith if there is no proof? The answer is the same but not for anyone, the question lingers on
*Some times, because of life circunstances you feel that your existence is a nonsense. You feel alone and without a goal, an illusion. Your expectations have gonne down and you don't want to believe in someone superior, because if is it one, you would like to take him by the neck. He has ruined your life. Whom I believe now if the one that should protect us is triying to sinc my spirit?