26 Meanings
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Composing Lyrics

It's all about the song in my head
The one where the audience is all dead

These days they're allowing visitation
To aid in my rehabilitation
To make these days mean so much more to me
I beg friends and family for forgiveness
And now for the first time, together we'll witness
Together we'll live this song I've been living incessantly
So come sing with me
Through these poison pills and chemicals
I know that you'll lose something beautiful
And brilliant, but at least it'll be instant
I'm sorry, its the only way

It's all about the song in my head
The one where the audience is all dead

It's all about the song in my head
The one where the audience is all dead

It's all about the song in my head
The one where the audience is all dead

So come over to my house
Catch up over dinner
We're having strychnine and Sirloin
Port wine and paint thinner
You'll convulse through the chorus
It's the song of a sinner
As I slowly clear the table
I Know that this won't be the last time
(It won't be the last time)
We wrote this song and the world will sing it to me
It's everything to me, It's everything to me, it's
On every corpse, I see her face
My love, my heart
I hear her laughter and she's still alive
(It's like she's still alive)
It's her body I'm holding as we make love
My heart breaks every time I dismember the flesh
Hide the evidence and start again because

It's all about the song in my head
The one where the audience is all dead

It's all about the song in my head
The one where the audience is all dead

It's all about the song in my head
The one where the audience is all dead

It's all about the song in my head
The one where the audience is all dead

It's all about the song in my head
The one where the audience is all dead

It's all about the song in my head
The one where the audience is all dead
26 Meanings
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This is a concept album. Which means that the entire album tells a story. Each song is a different installment in the story of the nameless patient. Somtimes the perspective is switched from the patient to the doctor to the deceased wife. My interpretation of the story goes as follows.

Introducing - The doctor is talking about how he has released the patient from the hospital again, indicating it's not the first time he's been released. The patient was hospitalized because he suffered from violent horrible nightmares and killed his wife whom he loved very much in his sleep. The patient is catatonic, which is just a state of non-responsivness, almost.

Dreaming - This song is about the night that the Patient kills his wife. He suffocates her while having a nightmare.

Waking - The Patient wakes up to realise what he's done. He calls the police and turns himself in and he is waiting for the ambulance. He can't believe what he's done, he wants to take it back. He covers the house with her perfume.

Sentencing - The judge and the doctors decide whether to charge him with murder and send him to jail or decalre him mentaly instable and send him to the hospital. The doctor thinks he shoudl be hospitalized.

Medicating - The Patient is in the hospital and tries to convince the doctor to release him. He wants to go back to his life and he thinks that the hospital is just making him worse. The doctor agrees and releases him from the hospital.

Purging - The Patient hsa been released and is returning into society. Everyone is shocked at his quick return into society/work considering what he did. The guilt becomes overpowering inside of him and he cuts off his hands so he won't ever kill again.

Relapsing - The Patient is back in the hospital after cutting off his hands and he begins to hear his wife's voice in his head. He begins trying to fill his emptiness by writing a song inside his head.

Recovering - The Patient is on medication since he is catatonic and he is also obviously on painkillers due to his lack of hands. He begins taking more pills than necessary and all he can hear is the song inside of his head. He takes more and more pills to keep the song playing.

Composing - The Patient convinces the doctor he's getting better and requests to see his friends and family because he thinks it'll help him recover. He has everyone over for dinner and poisons them all, killing them. He is "composing" his song by killing people and he thinks that he can see his wife. The song in his head keeps her alive in his mind.

Disintegrating - The Patient is completely isolated with the song inside his head. He is abusing alcohol and drugs and in a state between the living and dead. He's thinking of everyone he's killed and needs a finale to his song.

Healing - The Patient has called the doctor and he feels the song in his head coming to an end. By this time he's barely even alive and he has made a choice to get better, that's why he called the doctor. He is waiting for the doctor to arrive and take him to the hospital. The song in his head is what is keeping him alive.

Dying - The Doctor finally arrives for the Patient and finds him close to death lying in his apartment. He can smell the odour of the bodies that are most likely still in the apartment and he can smell a woman's perfume, the Patient's wife's perfume. The Patient knows he is dying and he knows what he did. He is finally responding and I think he is happy he is dying cause he will be with his wife. He is looking back at everythign that happened and he is just giving up on the song and on living.

Of course this is all just my interpretation who knows if I'm even close. Hahah oh well let me know what you think.

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"release will be instant" -> "but at least it'll be instant" "You'll convulse through the chorus" --> "You can go through the coalesce" "Throughout this song and the world will sing it to me" ---> "We wrote this song and the world will sing it to me" (i think)

It's an awesome song. Love BNO. I think the song is about he's insanely in love with a girl, and they break up or she dies and he goes crazy. "It's all about the song in my head, The one where the audience is all dead" She's all he can think of, it's playing over and over in his head, noone else matters to him... :S i dunno..

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Thanks, I changed it but I don't hear "You can go through the coalesce" at all and it doesn't really make sense so I'm not going to change that part...yet.

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Lol I guess this confusion is why BNO asked people not to put up lyrics yet, still thanks for the attempt chanel5.

Anyway the entire of Train Wreck is based on a fictional tale which Jeff created and then each of the songs is basically a chapter.

BNO say in Sketch Artist "You are my Canvas" showing they class murder and dismemberment etc. as Art, therefore I'm guessing this song is also about murder and seeing it as an Art form, 'Composing' being killing and directing the flow of things.

I love these guys.

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such a good song. love it. the first verse sounds like he's in rehab..they're allowing visitation..he apologizes to his family and friends for the way he's been. then the 2nd verse is what you guys said and stuff. cant wait for the new cd.

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These lyrics are absolutely fucked up, but it's a really good song nonetheless.

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after listening to the whole album this is the real climax of the story. He's been in and out of rehab after killing his lover and going comotose..he then tries to kill himself but gets medicated and he keeps hearing this "song in his head" that makes him think of her and has to kill...here he pretends that he is okay and they allow his friends and family to come visit and he kills them all. AWESOME AWESOME album

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Great concept album, yeah agreed with jbo523 and mashw... guess it just shows the others that sometimes you cant just burn one song and know exactly what its all about...

Yeah i definately think its about the guy from the rest of the album, he killed his wife, was sentenced and went to the mental institution, was released, hes cut off his hands from guilt, end up in hospital, gets "medicated" for that, they try and help him get back to normal by letting him see friends and family and he kills them...

fucking awesome album

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i love this song so much. love. the whole album is so fucking good. and BNO kickass live.

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i love this song so much. love. the whole album is so fucking good. and BNO kickass live.

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