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Mississippi Lyrics

Every step of the way we walk the line
Your days are numbered, so are mine
Time is piling up, we struggle and we scrape
We're all boxed in, nowhere to escape

City's just a jungle, more games to play
Trapped in the heart of it, trying to get away
I was raised in the country, I been working in the town
I been in trouble ever since I set my suitcase down

Got nothing for you, I had nothing before
Don't even have anything for myself anymore
Sky full of fire, pain pouring down
Nothing you can sell me, I'll see you around

All my powers of expression and thoughts so sublime
Could never do you justice in reason or rhyme
Only one thing I did wrong
Stayed in Mississippi a day too long

Well, the devil's in the alley, mule's in the stall
Say anything you want to, I have heard it all
I was thinking about the things that Rosie said
I was dreaming I was sleeping in Rosie's bed

Walking through the leaves, falling from the trees
Feeling like a stranger nobody sees
So many things that we never will undo
I know you're sorry, I'm sorry too

Some people will offer you their hand and some won't
Last night I knew you, tonight I don't
I need something strong to distract my mind
I'm going to look at you until my eyes go blind

Well, I got here following the southern star
I crossed that river just to be where you are
Only one thing I did wrong
Stayed in Mississippi a day too long

Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who've sailed with me

Everybody moving if they ain't already there
Everybody got to move somewhere
Stick with me, baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now

My clothes are wet, tight on my skin
Not as tight as the corner that I painted myself in
I know that fortune is waiting to be kind
So give me your hand and say you'll be mine

Well, the emptiness is endless, cold as the clay
You can always come back, but you can't come back all the way
Only one thing I did wrong
Stayed in Mississippi a day too long
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30 Meanings

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Cover art for Mississippi lyrics by Bob Dylan

I'll shortly comment. I love this song partly because is one example of the dialectic between the previous Dylans album Time out of mind and the one from wich this song is taken, a dialectic which is set in terms of basic feelings and attitude. If TOOM, expecially in songs like Not Dark Yet and Highlands, was the record of an old man, approaching to death, and the basic feeling is quiet desperation, this instead is the song of a man who feel that in the end, life is really worthwile. That he expresses with wonderful words such as:

Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast I'm drownin' in the poison, got no future, got no past But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free I've got nothin' but affection for all those who've sailed with me

and above all

Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow Things should start to get interesting right about now

That, said from a 60 years old man, is deeply moving. He still had to pass through a great amount of sufference and humiliation (i love this: "Walking through the leaves, falling from the trees/Feeling like a stranger nobody sees"), and this is showed by the consistent use of apocalyptic imagery, (that is almost a Dylan trademark), even if with a humorous falvour i think . But the prevailing emotion is love of life. It makes me cry

Yes, I like it for the same reasons. However, I think that people often over identify the Dylan narrator character in his songs with Dylan the man himself. I love the downbeat, black humour in lines like that couplet "Stick with me baby...." The first time I heard it I laughed out loud. Perhaps one of the reasons that we always assume that Bob Dylan is singing about himself is the fact that his characters stand up so well.

Cover art for Mississippi lyrics by Bob Dylan

I love this song. I think the reason that there aren't very many 'Dylan fans' on this site is because they can't be interpreted as easily as other artists' songs can. He writes in a way that they best interpretation sometimes is just repeating the lyrics. It's as if every one is able to give their own interpretation of every single line. To me, the most meaningful and personal line of the entire song is, "You can always come back, but you can't come back all the way." I like to think about an old lover during that line. You can always call her and talk to her and see her, but you can never get back to that feeling of the way things were when you were madly in love.

The amazing thing about this song is that every single verse is amazingly catchy, and I will find myself remembering them at the most random moments of the day.

Cover art for Mississippi lyrics by Bob Dylan

It's one of my favourites too. And I think it's the best track from Love and Theft. It was an outtake from Time Out Of Mind and I have heard a cover of this song played by Sheryl Crow. Lyrics are just great and I think he is just talking about death and about how time is slippin' so quickly and we can't avoid it anyway. Great song.

Cover art for Mississippi lyrics by Bob Dylan

"I been in trouble ever since I set my suitcase down"

I think there's a lot of Dylan's own psyche in that, although he continues to travel, I think its something that disquiets and unsettles him.

Cover art for Mississippi lyrics by Bob Dylan

a very moving song. another dylan song i can listen to hundreds of times without it getting boring. much like 'like a rolling stone' my favourite part is the 'All my powers of expression and thoughts so sublime, Could never do you justice in reason or rhyme' it seems like something you would put in a Valentines card.

Cover art for Mississippi lyrics by Bob Dylan

This seems to be fair few people's favourite song that Mr. Zimmerman has written. (I know every song has its own distinct following) But I honestly believe this to be one of the best songs created by anyone. Its so raw.

Also as mentioned somwhere above, the lines

"Things should start to get interesting right about now..."

From a 60 year old man has never been heard of. Also after the release of Modern Times, it seems Bobby was right...

Cover art for Mississippi lyrics by Bob Dylan

Am I the only one to hear the "Blonde on Blonde" sound in this song?

Cover art for Mississippi lyrics by Bob Dylan

I can't beleive no one has commented on this song yet, its one of the most insightful songs ever written, this site really needs more Dylan fans.

Cover art for Mississippi lyrics by Bob Dylan

One of my favorite Dylan songs. I think it's about so many things. I'll have to try to elaborate when I have a minute. Btw, we do need more Dylan fans here.

Cover art for Mississippi lyrics by Bob Dylan

I just can't forgive nigtingalerider for posting that opinion and not quoting this: "I know that fortune is waiting to be kind" that line always gets to me. Fortune SHOULD be waiting to be kind. Any minute now. I mean, it HAS to be so