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Maria Lyrics

Oh, Maria, I waited too long.
The phone rang three times, but you were gone.
Take it from me, move out on me,
I only weigh you down.

And I'm not so dumb I can take a hint,
Gave you 48 hours and then I split.
Now I'm high on the road trying to get home.

I want my bubble car.
Took the turn and drove too far.
I want my airplane.
Pop some pills to feel the same.
Could you make it alright?
Could you make it alright?

Oh, Maria, I waited too long.
The phone rang three times, but you were gone.
Take it from me, move out on me,
I only weigh you down.

And I'm not so dumb I can take a hint,
I met your new girlfriend and then I split.
Now I'm high on the road trying to get home.


And could you maybe stay the night?
And could you maybe...
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