Behind Those Eyes Lyrics
Ohh yeah
And then you got that look in your eye
"There is something you've got to know"
You said it as you started to cry
And I swear I'll never go there again
Ive seen this face once before
And I don't think I can do this again
There's something living in the way you smile
Behind those eyes you lie
And there's nothing I can say
Cause I'm never gonna change your mind
Behind those eyes you hide
I saw another look in your eye
And even though it hurt like it did
I couldnt let the spirit by... no no.
And you say now that it hurts you the same
Is there something here to believe
Or is it just another part of the game?
There's something I can't see
There's something living in the way you smile
Behind those eyes you lie
And there's nothing I can say
Cause I'm never gonna change your mind
Behind those eyes you hide
Ohh woah
Behind those eyes you hide
There's something I can't see
There's something living in the way you smile
Behind those eyes you lie
And there's nothing I can say
Cause I'm never gonna change your mind
Behind those eyes you hide
That's ever gonna change your mind
Behind those eyes you hide

Can't believe nobody's commented on this yet... it's gotta be one of my favorite songs from the album. I take the song into my own context... a situation where there's something desperately a guy wants from a girl, but can't have. In some cases, it could be her being with another guy. In my context, it's a guy and a girl who are kept apart by physical distance, even though they want to be together. The guy goes to all lengths desperately keep in touch with her and talk to her, but it's just painful to her, not knowing when he might return to her... and hence, wants to wash her memories, feelings and emotions of him away. Heartbreaking song...

Wow amazing song. easily my 2nd fav. on the alblum after let me go.
This song is fairly vague so it's up for interpretation. I think it's about when you know something is troubling the person, but you can't do anything about it. The person has some kind of problem, but won't actually do anything about it.
Question - does the line 'behind those eyes you lie' refer to not telling the truth? it sort of seems like a play on words to me. Now comment on this song... becuase I still don't get the full meaning.

this about something going on between two people thats bad but is still unspoken for one reason or another.

This song to me means the girl has cheated again and she confessed and swears she'll never do it again, but he doesn't believe her. I think when he says behind those eyes - it means what she is thinking in her head. He knows she is lying but there is still a smile and a warm look in her eyes. She puts on a total front of innocence but he is starting to see through it. Great song - I just saw them live on Saturday for about the 10th time. They keep getting better and better.

I Agree with everything so far, great song! listening to it now.. though shouldn't it be "And even though it hurt like it did, i couldn't let this be your goodbye" ? I think this songs about say a guy thats fustrated with a girl who won't be herself/say what she really feels.. she's hiding who she really is.. He can't figure her out and she constantly messes him about, she's always playing games "I've seen this face once before and i don't think i can do this again" he's been hurt by her before and swears never to be again.. Although it would probably be the right thing, he can't just let her walk away.. "Even though it hurt like it did, I couldn't let this be your goodbye" He's unsure whats going on with her and whether or not he can trust her "Is there something there to belive or is it just another part of the game?" It hurts to be with her but it also hurts to be without her.. ah that sucks.. Pure emotion..

I first heard this song on the radio. It's beautiful but it makes me sad. I've actually experienced this before. Deception can be played off so well through the eyes.
I've fallen for so many lies told through the eyes. But I agree with that interpretation. The guy's been hurt by this girl and still clings on like a leech. The guy just ends up getting hurt all over again.
People never learn... I wish I could.

I think this song is about a girl/guy lying to their boy/girlfriend and the other like not wantin to let them go still...
its weird because this first time i heard this song was when i was on the phone with a guy i dated for year and he told me he didnt really go where he said he had gone that weekend and that he has hooked up with another girl and thats right when the song came on kinda weird but pretty kool and i've loved the song ever since but it kinda makes me sad

I get the feeling that the girl is hiding something from her past that she doesn't want to let out. Maybe she did something or something bad happened to her but she doesn't want him to know about it.

To me it's about a girl who cheated on him and lied to him but he still doesn't wanna let her go. and yes, it's supposed to be "And even though it hurt like it did, i couldn't let this be your goodbye" This is a sad song, but it's very easily on of my favorite on the cd.

I like this song. Its great to listen to when your upset about something. Whenever I hear it I always sing the line "Behind those eyes you hide" as "Behind those eyes you cry." Dont know why, but hey, what can you do? This song is definately about a relationship failing. The guys sees the girl going through this rough time and he doesnt really know how to help her. Maybe she thinks he doesnt care and that they should call it quits. Or maybe shes is taking advantage of him and he doesnt realize or just cant let go.