Overture 1928 Lyrics
Hmm. Not one comment here. I think that this song is very important. It is representative of the whole regression experience for Nick, and has deep currents in the music itself, with some parts of the score surfacing again later in the album.
However, it is also one of the best songs on the album musicaly, and flows amazingly well with the other songs.
Yea! This song is really great, much melody in it and the second riff (The first 'real' riff) rocks. Or I love how it sounds and how you just can sit back and smile at those beautiful melodys you know
in each album,dt writes an instrmental song(as said mike p. in 'liquid drum theater')ouverture was destinated 2 be this instrumental song than came out dance of eternity wich is another instrumental song that represent metropolis pt 2 and the complex of love that nick is having after that he hav slept with victoria(home)
Has everybody found a peice of each song on the album in the song? The most obscure snipet I've found is at 5:57 of Fatal Tragedy and 2:28 of the song; it's only nine notes but it is in the same key and both times it is bridging two different riffs so it can't be a coincidence.
Interesting find, EZEebs. I was always wondering if this song is composed of parts from the restof the songs on the album and Metropolis pt1, but I've been too lazy to look extensivly.
Erm, guys, it is an overture. Classicaly, an overture is played at the start of an opera or a show, or at the start of the second act, and goes through the scenes that are going to be shown, or that were shown in the first part. DT use this both here and on Six Degrees in that overture.
This one doesn't actualy go that far (the Six Degrees one is basicaly a classical overture), but it goes some of the way, using themes from the other songs.
Definitely, for me Overture is a main presentation of the whole concept!
Definitely, for me Overture is a main presentation of the whole concept!
Erm, guys, it is an overture. Classicaly, an overture is played at the start of an opera or a show, or at the start of the second act, and goes through the scenes that are going to be shown, or that were shown in the first part. DT use this both here and on Six Degrees in that overture.
This one doesn't actualy go that far (the Six Degrees one is basicaly a classical overture), but it goes some of the way, using themes from the other songs.
Overture 1928 is one of my favorite DT instrumentals. Though it's short, I love the way it uses the same melodies and sounds from Metropolis, pt. 1.
Great stuff.
Good instrumental but I prefer TDOE. =p I like the keyboard solo near the end.
I like this song,, it's a good opening of the album I think,, nice transition to Strange Deja-Vu. But I thought, is there a sort of classic verson of an overture from 1928? At the end of finally free you hear someone listening music and I noticed some musical connections between that music and the music of Regression..