In a Future Age Lyrics
Day will come
When the wind
Decides to run
And shakes the stairs
That stab the wall
And turns a page
In a future age
And some will fall
But then again
So will us all
To outrageous dares
And mark our page
In a future age
The sea of cars
And barking dogs
In fenced-in yards

Despite Summer Teeth being a primarily dark-toned and depressing album, this song is a hopeful breath at the end of the LP. Of course, there are lines that depress such as "some trees will bend / and some will fall / but then again / so will us all." Mortality really gets me down! But wait! Jeff tells us to "turn our prayers to outrageous dares and mark our page." For me, this means to live to the fullest and do things that are risky and outrageous because you have just one life. This is the surest way to "mark" your "page." Or in other words, to die knowing you had some kind of special significance.

I love those last four lines, a great (proper) ending to a fantastic album The song kind of ruminates on the serious subject matter that came in the songs before it. It's closure on everything else that's gone on, or at least as close as to closure as it can be.

I think thats right on couldBanyone. I also think the final stanza is telling us to rise above the b.s. of the American dream and the typical suburban life. Great album.

Summerteeth reminds me a lot of Radioheads "The Bends". Not in the way they play or making songs, there a lot of difference, but the feeling I get when I hear it. In a Future Age is Wilcos Street Spirit.
Their best LP so far. Genius album