I'm Waking Up to Us Lyrics
You need a man who is either rich or loose in a screw
You know I love you, here's the irony
You're going to walk away intact
I think you never liked me anyway
You like yourself and you like men to kiss your arse
Expensive clothes, please stop me there
I think I'm waking up to us
We're a disaster
You don't want to know me
Because you move in circles of the brave
Where art defines their lives
And if I look like death today
Then please let her know
I never wanted to do harm to her
I only wanted her to see
The beauty of the world surrounding her
But when she opened up her eyes
Our chance has gone
She's with a guy
Who takes the prize for everything I ever showed her
Digging all the fun
Because she's older
I fed her with a spoon
I made her mother smile
I helped the kid survive
She showed me the road
I loved her dog, her steady gaze, the chapter is closed
I always wanted all the best for her
The best thing was to stay away
She grew up and she left the rest of us
And now the understanding's gone
I'm pretty much the same person
I cannot keep the anger hidden anymore
But lucky for you, you are not around
My anger turns to pity and to love
The season has arrived

this song makes my heart hurt every time i listen to it. it makes me want to either throw myself on a fire, jump off a bridge, lay in front of a speeding train, fall out of a window, or climb a tall metal pole in a thunderstorm. interestingly enough, it's one of my most-often played songs! i guess i like to torture myself and dwell on memories of past failure. =P
musically, it's quite beautiful and the end bit becomes lilted and spring-like, which pleases me immensely. i really love how all of the instruments come together towards the end. the lyrics...man. i don't even know where to begin.
my favorite portions of the lyrics:
"you know I love you, here's the irony you're going to walk away intact I think you never liked me anyway,"
"I fed her with a spoon / I made her mother smile,"
... damn. i feel more pathetic with each song i realize i relate to. anyway, this reminds me of failed relationships i've had with people, be it romantic or friend-types. the relationship i relate this to the most though... yeah i'm still struggling with that right now. "THE SEASON HAS ARRIVED" sure, but I have no idea what that even brings.
kicks a wall

i heard a rumour this is about isobel campbell (founding b&s-member). anybody know what's up with that?

stuart has said this was the only song he ever wrote for someone specifically, and it was in fact written about isobel.

Well despite all the anger we hear this is a song for love, I felt it so surely and desparately and it turned my day into tears. Stuart seems to have never really recovered.

seems like isobel wrote a song in response to this called "monologue for an old true love'

the lyrics here are quite brilliant.

this is truly the story of my life.

Only 7 comments? This lyrics are like the best I've ever seen. Think so many can relate to them. I know I can.

I see this song as being both about Isobel leaving Stuart and about leaving Belle & Sebastian (in, at that time, a purely spiritual sense, since it would be another few months before her actual physical departure). "Because you move in circles of the brave / Where art defines their lives," "I only wanted her to see / The beauty of the world surrounding her / But when she opened up her eyes / It's much too late..." and "She grew up and she left the rest of us" [note the plural] really make me think the romantic and career issues are just all tangled up here. It seems that he's saying that she's saying she's grown, she's changed, she's a different person and a different musician from who she was when the band was founded, and she's ready to try new things, move on with her life -- without him, and without B&S. And that is why this might just be their finest song; so much meaning and emotion (and instrumentation!) packed into a little under 4 minutes.
And, yep, Isobel's "Monologue for an Old True Love" is very much a response to this -- it includes the lines "Talking so self-righteously / About everything you showed me, boy" and "Say you're angry now / I wonder why / You've got them round your little finger." I suspect she realized IWUtU's popularity...

"I need someone to take some joy in something I do"
I think that's a very strong opening line, like bang, here's my point.