No one uses the phone anymore
The tracks are wrecked and the odometer's ticking
The edge is pushed and the lines are melting
Too scared to look at what I hear outside
We're too late
Protect, embrace, engulf
Remember the summer in Abaddon
Remember the summer in Abaddon
I'm cracked and stripped like a dominoe's crush
Send a tell if you're ever near me
I'm a.f.k. and I can't get by
Tack the sales, man the posts
We're headed south, into the wind
Remember the summer in Abaddon
Remember the summer in Abaddon
The mirror's broke and the newtonian's clicking
The finds are pressed and the veins are pumping
Too far gone to do more than breathe
Miles and miles of telephone poles
Fallen and tossed around
I can't talk to you anymore, and I miss you
Not in a Slint way, but I miss you

To me this song is very simple. It is about spending an entire summer gaming indoors. It is about losing your friends and people close to you because you're too busy playing some sort of game, an MMORPG or whatever. The narrator feels empty and alone and has lost touch with those who mean the most to him. I have experienced a "Summer in Abaddon" just like this before. I can sympathize with the narrator of the song because I know exactly what is going on. He feels disconnected as the game has taken over his life. He probably regrets the way he has spent his summer and uses it as a lesson to always remember to do more with his free time in the future. Very simple.

The line is "not in a slint way, but I miss you." It is a reference to the end of the song Good Morning Captain by the band Slint. The song ends with the lead singer screaming "I MISS YOUUUUUUUUUU!!"

why is pinback so EFFING good? i go into a trance when i hear this song and then i realized that i've played this same song 1000 times in a row in a day.

ZOMG It's on the Wario Ware commercial!!!
That makes me feel good inside...

This song is all about how newer generations are making technology which is making older generation's inventions useless "no one uses the phone anymore. the tracks are wrecked and the odometer's ticking" No one uses the phone anymore because we're always on the computer now, and no one uses the train because we are all using cars "too scared to look at what i hear outside. " referrs to people being AFRAID of the outside world and being dependent on their online stuff in their homes. AFK=away from keyboard "i'm a.f.k. and i can't get by. " they're mocking people who never leave their computer and when they are away from their keyboard, all hope is LOST for them

I'm REALLY liking several Pinback songs right now. I know I'm late to the party, but AFK, Fortress, Good to Sea, those are bad ass songs.
this is a great thread...whomever nailed that Slint thing, great job.

Thanks for the info. Makes sense.

FYI: Abaddon A Hebrew word signifying:
ruin, destruction (Job 31:12); place of destruction; the Abyss, realm of the dead (Job 26:6; Proverbs 15:11); it occurs personified (Apocalypse 9:11) as Abaddon and is rendered in Greek by Apollyon, denoting the angel-prince of hell, the minister of death and author of havoc on earth. The Vulgate renders the Greek Apollyon by the Latin Exterminans (that is, "Destroyer"). The identity of Abaddon with Asmodeus, the demon of impurity, has been asserted, but not proved. In Job 26:6, and Proverbs 15:11, the word occurs in conjunction with Sheol.

What does "AFK" mean?

i dont mean the song, i mean "AFK" the acronym