Nin-com-pop Lyrics
it's all been candy cream
neatly, smooth and clean forever
she never felt the pain
but then one day it came a little
realize your fate
shut it down, increase the pressure
it's all been candy cream
neatly, smooth and clean forever

There appears to be a progression in the song. It begins with
"There was no reason to complain it's all been candy cream neatly, smooth and clean forever"
The first stanza suggests naivity, purity, and complacency. No reason to complain, shes content with her life. She compares "it" to candy cream-the metaphor- which highlights a childish side (candy) suggesting naivity. She then unpacks the metaphor, neatly smooth. It suggets a pristine condition but then she adds "clean forever" which is a rare defining charecteristic of candy cream. Clean's opposite is dirty; she wants to emphasize a state of being uncorrupt. The juxtoposition with forever is powerful because forever is a strong word. Candy is eventually eaten, it is made for eating, eventually it is "corrupted" but this fate is denied. leading into the second stanza
The battle seemed so far away she never felt the pain but then one day it came a little
The protagonist is naive(young) "she bever felt the pain". Notice the us of "battle and pain" suggesting that reality is not this candy cream crap. Then the pain (break-up, abuse etc) comes.
Yet things happend just that way realize your fate shut it down, increase the pressure
“realize your fate”, the protagonist encounters the earlier mentioned “pain” and realizes it was inevitable. She is no longer that candy cream neatly smooth and CLEAN FOREVER. She tries to cope with this trauma by shutting down fate by essentially ignoring it and increasing her pressure or control on her own life and on her own psyche.
Up until now the progression has gone from good to bad. She masks this progression by ending with the first stanza. She repeats to herself that she is that candy cream, clean forever and still naïve. No reason to complain because as far as the protagonist is concerned there was no problem in the first place, she blocked it off.
The “yet things happened just that way” suggests that pain was predicted almost like the protagonist is used to it. “just that way” suggesting that this progression is on going where the protagonist must continue to convince her self that she is that coveted candy cream.
The nature of rape and how it fits so nicely with “clean forever” leads me to believe the song can be about some traumatic event like rape. The words battle, pain, increase the pressure suggest something salient like rape.
Suffice it to say, I believe this song is about some sort of trauma and the reluctance to accept it and rather cover it up like it never happened.

... I forgot; I don't think I'd understand this song the same without hearing it. The "it was too much" part of my view is not in the words at all.
But it's what the music does when it takes over after "But then one day, it came, a little". And this punctuation is closer to the singer's, and a shade more revealing.

How can I be 3 of the 4 comments? Is this song not important to anyone? :)
Okay, I am little obsessed. I cannot get away from the idea that nobody would say "realize your fate" lightly. I have my Buddhist bias, but ..

if you think about something too much your mind will become too hectic. but if you leave it alone things will just be.

Amazing how people see things differently. I have an equally succinct but totally different view of this song:
She was over-protected, and when pain did eventually enter her life, it was too much. But life's like that, and you need to roll with the punches.