Million Miles Lyrics
Everyday is all the same there's no tomorrow
And I feel like I feel
'Cause it's cold here where you left me
I, I think I might have loved you
These things I said but you were
A million miles away
A million miles away
And I know it's all but gone
It only served to make me cry
And I feel like I feel
'Cause it's back here with your memory
I, I think I might have loved you
These things I said but you were
A million miles away
A million miles away
A million miles
A million miles away
A million miles
A million miles
I, I think I might have loved you
These things I said but you were
A million miles away

i think ur all wrong, this song as far as i can tell is more about how he was in a relationship with someone who was never fully comitted, he said he loved her but she never really cared and now he's allalone because she moved on

I agree more with foArdo4290. "These things I said" could refer to that she wasn't really "there" at the time he spoke to her... It could also mean that he was emotionally not on the same wavelength as her, and as a result, what he said to her (could have been anything, probably emotional) didn't reach her... Since "Million Miles" is the title, this could be key.

no comments!?...its not hard to figure out I think it about a broken relationship, that he now regrets because it could have been something great

Yes, and by the time he realizes it, it's too late.

Realizes he loved her after she has moved on
Awesome song.