Bein' Drunk Is A Lot Like Loving You Lyrics
I drank til I fell
When the drunk part was over
It hurt me like hell
Now I know about drinkin
So I know one thing's true
Bein' drunk's a lot like lovin you
I loved til I fell
When the lovin' was over
It hurt me like hell
Now I what a taste
Of the wrong love can do
Bein' drunk's a lot like lovin you
And sworn off the drink
At that I've done reasonably
Well, I think
But I haven't done well
Swearin off you and me
At that I've failed miserably
I've sat out the bar all alone in a fight
I've bottled up feelings, and poured em out too
Bein' drunk's a lot like lovin you
And sworn off the drink
At that I've done reasonably
Well, I think
But I haven't done well
Swearing off you and me
At that I've failed miserably
I loved til I fell
When the drunk part was over
Love hurt me like hell
Now I know about drinkin
So I know one thing's true
Bein' drunk's a lot like loving you
Sometimes I still get drunk loving you

I am not big on country but I can relate to this song. And I don't think it needs explaining bc it is all right there.

you said it boy!

I think this song means a whole lot, its kind of like loving a girl that you know cant love you back, but she tries. SO it has its ups and downs, and you find yourself happier than ever, but then later when you are alone, and she is doing her thing, you feel "hung over" and down. I know, because I am there right now.... SHe isnt capible of loving me, but she tries... so I am hanging on, because "Sometimes, I get drunk loving her".... :( it sucks, I know.... but such is life.

This is BY FAR the BEST Kenny Chesney song. The lyrics make me cry. Reminds me of a love lost - and the way having someone on your mind like that can eat at you like a disease - just like alcholism. Kudos to whoever wrote this song!

This song means a lot to someone who's tried to love someone, but ended up hurting like hell when it was all over. Like getting drunk, the hangover hurts like hell. To me this song is like having a tough time in a relationship...knowing that it hurts just as much the morning after getting wasted as it does to let that person go.