Raise the Knife Lyrics
Or will your life go unrewarded
Never asking for a dime
You just gave all of yourself
Until I turned my back on you
My friend
Conspiracy led you to slaughter
I tried to control it but as soon as I showed it
I was shot down again
Appreciation slumbered
You can ask yourself why
But that look in your eye
Doesn't pass the test
You've been laid to rest my friend
Seems the pressure took its toll
Lived a life so punishing
Now he keeps the publishing
Communication to your silent friend
To a picture of a life
(I once knew)
There comes a time
Compromising my life
(Just won't do)
I cannot lie
I can't try anymore
(To reach you)
I just can't fight
Raise the knife
Raise the knife
Cut through
Content to sit and watch the motions of your life
With false sensitivity
You cut yourself open so people would adore you
And how you wore your heart and soul right on your sleeve
Laughing sarcastically
You turned your back on the people who adored you
Self-esteem distortion
Self-infused extortion
Self-serving abortion
'Cause I had the heart and the will and the courage to stay
Every day
I won't walk away
I notice the way that you

This song is about the departure of Kevin Moore of DT, probably that's why it wasnt released in the album of Falling into infinity. It seems that Mike Portnoy tried to talk out KevMo from leaving DT, but failed to convince him (I cannot lie, I cannot try anymore to reach you, raise the knife and live my life without you). I can see no other relation than the departure of KevMo.
It seems that this song was suppoused to be before Lines in the sand, since outro and intro of the other are very similar.

heard it live a few weeks ago, good stuff.
realizing that sometimes, you need to detroy an old part of yourself to move on

Actually, this song is about a crew member who was let go because of management issues. Mike Portnoy was friends with this person, and felt that this was far from fair.

Do you have a reference for that, just wondering because the lines "Tortured artist bears his soul Seems the pressure took its toll" really make me think it is about kevin moore, but I guess that depends on what that crew member did.

Sounds amazing and no other place to have it on Score, which is a concert experince none of us will never forget and that is why we the DVD to remember it by.

Nameo and toky_world are actually both correct. According to Setlist Scotty from the DT.net forums (who would know), the first half is about a crew member let go because of the management issues and what not, while the second half is about Kevin Moore.

I've also, in addition to all this, read that this part:
"Reading through all the digests you show me I notice the way that you think you control me Doubting my future, you don't even know me But I never walked out on you"
according to MP, is DT talking to fans, who thought KevMo leaving was the end of DT. "I" represents DT, "you" represents the fans.

It's about Kevin Moore, especially a diss on DT's behalve.

In a more general sense, ignoring the intent of MP in writing these lyrics, one person's side about a breakup or a friendship ending... an argument in general. I would take it to represent two sides from one person's point of view.
To explain that a little clearer, the fictional breakup leaves the man hurt by the woman.
"Have I thanked you for your time? Or will your life go unrewarded Again? Never asking for a dime You just gave all of yourself Until I turned my back on you My friend"
This could be the man saying how he feels the woman treated him... its like "Oh blah blah look at me, my name is girl, im sooo special" that kinda thing but more serious.
"I'll take the blame for these things that I say 'Cause I had the heart and the will and the courage to stay Every day I won't walk away"
This might represent the man saying he loves her and he won't give up on her, he'll always be there for her when she needs him and he did what he could to make her happy and such. and now he's just going to tell her the truth cuz that's what she needs to hear.
That is my quick summary, i feel some of it should be left to your own interpretation.
I will say, though, that "artist" and "digests" are symbolic to me and that makes it easier to see that. They could both be realistic as the artist would represent her as an artist and digests would represent music she gave him. Or it could be more of a symbol that is kind of too personal for me to post on here.
anyways, that's my food for thought. I rarely take lyrics at their face value or their true value. What good is a song that is upset about kevin or a crew member. How does that connect me and my life to the song?
First post. Hope it was well received

I think the instrumental passage was inspired by the instrumental part(7/4 War Furor, for the perfectionists) in Rush's "By-Tor and the Snow Dog." Especially the live version on "All the World's a Stage." What do you say?