Adolescent Song Of Mindless Devotion Lyrics
I love you from the bottom of my soul
I love the soles on your feet
I love you from the foot of the hill
(I promise I will)
I'd walk the wildest seas
I'd swim the highest mountain
I'd swallow chalk and swear it was cheese
Because I love you
And I need you
And I want you
To be mine
Because I love you
And I need you
And I want you
To be mine
I love your rosy-red eyes
I love your cheeky cheeks
I'd tear the stars out of the midday sky
(if you said 'hi')
I'd sing to you beneath your door
I'd change my name to Matthew
And be the welcome mat on your floor
Because I love you
And I need you
And I want you
To be mine
'Til the end of lunchtime


ABSOLUTLEY ADORABLE song. I love how he la la la la love you i na na na na need you. It sort of reminds me of Brand New Colony by Death Cab. The song meaning is in the title.

I think this song is really cuteeeee.

This song is excellent so jolly.
and I am positive that Death Cab for Cutie does not sing Brand New Colony, but infact The Postal Service does.. Of course Ben is the singer in both bands.

When I date someone, this song is going to be my myspace song, tongue in cheek, because I'm an adolescent.

aw, the lyrics make me laugh :)

"Brand New Colony" is by The Postal Service, not Death Cab.
I always feel ridiculous whenever I sing this song, being an adolescent and all, but I can't help myself. (: The song is dripping with irony, and it's just so catchy!