86 Meanings
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Like The Angel Lyrics

They turn the lights down low
In shadows hiding from the world
Only coming out when it gets cold

The seas part when they hit the floor
The voices carry on and out the door
And everything you touch turns into gold

Like the angel you are
You laugh creating a lightness in my chest
Your eyes they penetrate me (Your answer's always maybe)
That's when I got up and left

A beating heart and a microphone
A ticking clock in an empty home
Still tells of these times so long ago
Even though I've come so far
I know I've got so far to go
And any day now I'll explode

Like the angel you are
You laugh creating a lightness in my chest
Your eyes they penetrate me (Your answer's always maybe)
That's when I got up and left

And each and everyday, will lead into tomorrow
Tomorrow brings one less day without you
But don't wait up just leave the light on
'Cause all the roads that I might take
Will all one day lead back to you

And like the angel you are
You laugh creating a lightness in my chest
Your eyes they penetrate me (Never cease to amaze me)
That's when I got up and left
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86 Meanings

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Cover art for Like The Angel lyrics by Rise Against

tim said in an interview that this song was written for his daughter, something about him going on tour... i didn't quite get the details porque slow internet + no patience. i wish i knew about this site a few years ago...

Cover art for Like The Angel lyrics by Rise Against

rise Agaiant is my favorite band... why... cuz this singer as so much emotions in his voice... don't ya think??

Cover art for Like The Angel lyrics by Rise Against

I think its about the band being on tour and the singer being away from his girlfriend or wife.. Look at the whole second verse.. "A beating heart and a microphone" is probably how he feels while he's on stage.. "a ticking clock in an empty home" probably means that his house is empty why he's on tour. "and even though I've come so far, I know I've got so far to go and any day now I'll explode " After everything he's experienced with the band, the singer probably feels like he's still just beginning his journey and that he still has a long road ahead of him. "each and everyday it leads into tomorrow and tomorrow brings one less day without you but don't wait up just leave the light on cause all the roads that I might take will all one day lead back to you" This is about him telling his girlfriend or wife how much he misses her and that when their tour is over, he can come home to her..

That makes tons of sense only two lines bother me: your answers always maybe and that's when I got up and left). But other than those two lines it doesn't sound like he has any problem with her like everyone else is saying and this makes the most sense

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Cover art for Like The Angel lyrics by Rise Against

At the end it's "your eyes they penetrate me (you never cease to amaze me) or at least thats what the CD booklet says.

Cover art for Like The Angel lyrics by Rise Against

I can't believe nobody has commented on this song. Its fucking amazing

Cover art for Like The Angel lyrics by Rise Against

such a very very good song. i think its about an amazing woman in his life who he has been trying to get with for awhile and he knows shes into him but shes never sure. everyone around them is openly opposed to them being together so he eventually just gives up

Cover art for Like The Angel lyrics by Rise Against

This could be a straighfoward love song if it weren't for the last line of the chorus; "that's when I got up and left".I think he loved this girl, but she didn'thave any feelings for him and was just leading him along and, eventually, he realized this and gave up. Or maybe he left due to nervousness, I don't know.

Cover art for Like The Angel lyrics by Rise Against

Sure is...

Cover art for Like The Angel lyrics by Rise Against

Rise Agaisnt = AWSOME !!! WOOT!

yea about a a guy who met a girl who seemed larger than life, but turned out she was only using him ...

Cover art for Like The Angel lyrics by Rise Against

I think this song is about a guy whose girlfriend is at a different time in her life and they no longer connect, but he knows that they are for each other so he hopes to get a second chance someday in the future. but he is also telling her not to wait for him. i love this song! but maybe I just see at as this cause my boyfriend just broke up with me...