Elektra Lyrics
it's not so simple...being simple
I've heard this song was about Hot Water Music's legal battle over their band name with Elektra Records. Although they've been on No Idea in the past, and now Epitaph.. I don't see how they could be on Elektra.. But whatever.
It's about another band called Hot Water Music. Elektra threatened legal action, or something, and I think No Idea wanted them to change their name. Chuck says that the name of the band is in his skin, and they'd never change it. I read that somewhere. Awesome riff, though...anyone played Emogame? Couldn't have chosen a better tune to play to...
www.emogame.com they're making a second one. it's going to rock.
Elektra is a great song.
Our boys actually had to rename themsevles The Hot Water Music Band for a little while until the whole thing blew over (i.e. they blew up and the other Hot Water Music ended up looking like morons). Look at the Forever and Counting album cover.
the emo game is like the coolest video game ever and chuck is definetly the best character. although chris's mega ovaries are hillarious