25 Meanings
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Driving Home Lyrics

I know the sink and the rot gut feeling...
"Is this happening to me?"
and i know what it's like to want to end it all

Driving home between the lines in the road,
I swear that i've been through this before.
When nothing makes much sense except for doing yourself in
but razor blades are hard to hold

When we're hit in the heart with
Problems that won't shift
It's hard to admit we are afraid
When we're hit in the head with
Unanswered questions that repeat:
"How could i live after this day?"

We can take the hits and grow tougher
Collect ourselves to live longer
and find there is no need to be afraid
because we all have more to offer
when we struggle to cope with
whatever it takes to make the days

We all have what it takes to make the days
we all have what it takes to make it home
We all have what it takes
Song Info
Submitted by
standardarmy On Nov 25, 2001
25 Meanings
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i think hot water music saved more than a few peoples lives. including my own. and anybody can be a hmw fan. even if they dont know what the songs mean, as long as the songs make the listener feel good. thats all that matters

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there are mistakes uin that song this is how it goes :i know the sink and the rot gut feeling "is this happening to me" and i know what it's like to want to end it all driving home between the lines in the road i swear that i've been through this before when nothing makes much sense except for doing yourself in razor blades are hard to hold when we're hit in the heart with problems that won't shift it's hard to admit when im afraid when we're hit in the head with unanswered questions that repeat "how could i ever live after this day" we can take the hits and grow tougher collect ourselves to live longer and find there is no need to be afraid because we all have more to offer when we struggle to cope with whatever it takes to make make your days we all have what it takes to make it home we all have what it takes

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i dont see the difference..

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This song is about a man who knows wat life is about but in the end everything is gunna be okay...I think that this is one of the best songs that HWM ever did...they dont get enuff credit they deserve with their music!

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This was the first song that I learned on the bass and I must say, this song is one of the best.

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Its also the second song I learnd on my bass!!!

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Im not eaven going to say what this song means to me... not only is it kina personal but i wouldent want to repeat what "NickmanHWM" said because we think pritty mutch exactly alike, maybe because i happen to be his sister. so...yeah i think you get a hint of what this song means to me.

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oh yeah... its my first song im learning on bass

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dont worry hot water music aint goin mainstream unless it ditches its talent for poppy beats to appeal to teenage blink182 crowds and radio airplay time. They are popular with worthy people with actual taste in music and i dont think they'll go with the "mainstream poppunk trend" any time soon yo. rock on and continue kickin ass with good taste in music.

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We know what know one else does . We are the HOT WATER MUSIC FANS AND WE STAND STRONG. But we stand practicly alone and thats the only way it can be. It is great that not everyone understands you because not everyone diserves to be saved by you like i was. I have realized so much since listening to you guys . You have changed my life . And i am so envious that you are so positive and everything i could ever strive to become. The few that know the truth. we love you HWM . and always will .thank you for all you have writen and for singing your heart out for what you beleve in. You will always be remmembered by the people that understand you. We have faith because of you and only in you. Though i dont think that you will ever get to see the true impact you have on your few fans. I am glad you can see us singing our hearts out with you at your shows. I can only say one last thing that sums you up into one word TRUTH.


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