Brestir Og Brak Lyrics
Samt vid munum skjóta theim, rebba fyrir rass.
Thví vid getum jólahaldi frestad fram í mars,
Bara ef oss svo bydur vid ad horfa.
Undan theim kyngikrafti.
Er thú thar nidri á thingi tekur theim tak,
Thínum med thrumukjafti.
Eins og fúaflak!
Já, gott ef ég ekki,
(...) kofann og sprengi hid spanskgræna forna thak!
- létt' honum dimma daga -
Er litlu börnin kaupa kí-lí-lí-ló,
Af ávöxtum í sinn maga.
(Og) líka ding-ding-dó,
Thá allt verdur uppselt,
Thó mér finnist nú sjaldan ad selst hafi alveg nóg!
- létt' honum dimma daga -
Er litlu börnin kaupa kí-lí-lí-ló,
Af ávöxtum í sinn maga.
(Og) líka ding-ding-dó,
Thá allt verdur uppselt,
Thó mér finnist nú sjaldan ad selst hafi alveg nóg!
Thó mér finnist nú sjaldan ad selst hafi alveg nóg!
English Translation:
The commitees are bad, heavy is their load we will however beat their asses because we can delay the christmas to march if only we want to
It is like I hear crackles and bangs from the awesome power when you, down in congress, whip their asses with your thunderous mouth yes, the ruralparty I break back like a leaky wreck yes, maybe I should lift the house and blow off the green copper roof
Yes, it will make him happy lighten his dark days as the small children buy a ki-li-li-lo of fruits for their belly yes, merrily I will sing he-le-le-lo also ding-ding-dong It will all be sold out though I seldomly find that we ever have sold enough!
No, it will make him happy lighten his dark days as the small children buy a ki-li-li-lo of fruits for their belly, yes merrily I will sing he-le-le-lo and also ding-ding-dong
It will all be sold out though I seldomly find that we ever have sold enough! though I seldomly find that we ever have sold enough! though I seldomly find that we ever have sold enough!
I think it is a punk / anarchist critic to the capitalist ways and government.