68 Meanings
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Cocoon Lyrics

Who would have known
That a boy like him
Would have entered me lightly
Restoring my blisses

Who would have known
That a boy like him
After sharing my core
Would stay going nowhere

Who would have known
A beauty this immense
Who would have known
A saintly trance
Who would have known
Miraculous breath
To inhale a beard
Loaded with courage

Who would have known
That a boy like him
Possessed of magical
Who would approach a girl like me
Who caresses cradles his head
In her bosom

He slides inside
Half awake, half asleep
We faint back
Into sleephood
When I wake up
The second time
In his arms
He's still inside me

Who would have known
Who ahhh
Who would have known

A train of pearls
Cabin by cabin
Is shot precisely
Across an ocean

From a mouth
From a
From the mouth
Of a girl like me
To a boy
To a boy
To a boy
68 Meanings
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you guys do realise 'stay going nowhere' means he stays with her, right?

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Bjork is not a pure little virgin. She drinks like a fish, talks like a sailor, and has sex like a maniac. She's an amazing artist, yes, but she's HUMAN and people tend to forget that.

This song is about sex. Sex can be plenty deep if you want it to be. And there's no emotional rape or other bad things going on. It's about a girl who has one of those god-like crushes, and she takes him to her bed, and afterwards he actually stays with her and they fall in love. "Who would have known that a boy like him...after sharing my core and stay going nowhere?" It's one of those "I cant believe a guy like HIM actually likes ME" moments.

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I've always adored this song, and it is by far my favorite from Bjork, maybe that's why some of the uterly ignorant comments on this song are upseting me so.

Bjork IS a brilliant artist, and sex CAN BE a brilliant subject. Especially when it's done as Bjork's done it with this song. It's peaceful, yet haunting, pure, yet just a little naughty.

And yes, this song is definitely about sex. Come on now. "Entered me lightly", "sharing my core", "he slides inside", "he's still inside me", "A train of pearls", it's just far too obvious. The unborn baby interpretation is nice, but not right for the rest of the song. Why the orgasmic moaning near the end?

A slightly differing opinion on the sex interpretation though, I've always thought of the boy in the song as someone the girl didn't expect much from. Like she gave him a chance, and was shocked by his sensitivity. So as to say "Who would have known he was so great inside", rather than "Who would have known he'd take me".

@blucow Yeah... "A train of pearls" for the morning sickness in the early stages of pregnancy.

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Its about morning sex when you're half awake, half-asleep. They sleep and he is still in her, meaning her penis is in her and he finally cums. Its not about delivering a kid or anything else, come on people.

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Wow, Amazed that I'm the only one who felt this way about this song:

I think this song is about a girl who lost faith in men, and ended up building a mental cocoon that kept her same from harm, but at the same time kept every man in her life at a safe distance so a man would never be able to hurt her again. This song is the moment she finally lets another man get close to her, and she finds that he pulls her out of the cocoon, restores her blisses, and finally she feels alive again. :)

Really, only me who felt this way about this song? Wow, thought it was obvious. :O

@Human-beef The cocoon must actually be the girl\'s womb since she got pregnant by her boyfriend. Don\'t think another boy is involved. And there is long-distance love too, you\'re right, but it is only proven in the last verse showing she\'s expecting his child (throwing up being a sign of early pregnancy), while the boy must be in another country, for undisclosed reasons. The door sounds in the song may suggest that her boyfriend comes and goes from her bedroom, only closing it during the act when he fulfills her sexual desire.

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definitely about sex, duh, but NOT about lust. it's more like making love.
in short, the song is about being in love and sharing that intimacy together, and Bjork is overcome with how blissful and beautiful it is ("who would have known a beauty this immense," etc) and it seems completely perfect. And I STRONGLY disagree with BjorkySpearzer in that the line "after sharing my core would stay going nowhere" has anything at all to do with loneliness. it definitely means JUST the opposite. after exposing herself and being completely vulnerable with this boy (yes, in a sexual context but maybe even MORE so in an emotional one), the boy is surprisingly "possessed with a magical sensitivity" and stays ("going nowhere" as in not leaving her, not going anywhere) with her. Who would have known? DEFINITELY not a song about betrayal or loneliness or anything of the sort.

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I think this song is about sex. :P "He slides inside" "Entered me lightly" "Sharing my core" "A train of pearls." Very poetic for something so naughty.

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Whoever implied that sex is a shallow thing to sing about didn't think about that properly, in my opinion :P

To me, it sounds like they were asleep and they woke up sort of groggily and started having sex and fell asleep again. I've had experiences like that and it's the most beautiful thing :) just wordlessly slipping in and out of that mode while you're still dreaming.

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This song was originally called 'Mouth' if anybody bothers to do a bit of research.

the bottom line of it is about sex, most 100%, not bad emotional loss or rape etc, but the new and amazing kind where every single movement is sacred and nothing feels dirty because it feels heavenly. and this person, this person you are being so intimate with, who you are sharing your nakedness and vulnerability with, exposing your pleasures and secret parts to, they have shown themselves to be this perfectly wonderful human being.

love and sex, not just basic, animalistic, gettig your rocks off sex, but love making.

and no one ever said love making didn't include a mouth full of come.

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This is one of the first Bjork songs I listened to all the way through. I was completely in awe of her ability to describe something as commercialized as sex in such a beautiful, heartfelt way. The background music is so simple and ambient that it makes you feel like you're right there in the middle of this perfect peace she's created. (I get the same feeling from the song "Headphones" on post). However, without changing much of the river flowing under her vocals, she builds the song to a climax that is both musical and sexual. Very artful.

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