Talk To Me, Dance With Me Lyrics

You are my only girl, but you're not my owner girl. Talk to me... dance with me here in the spotlight, girl. Talk to me... dance with me here. You're the spotlight girl. So perfect you paint it... yet so manipulated. So calm and so patient... yet oh so calculated. So safe and comforting... this doesn't feel like flirting. So fun I'm distracted... forgot you keep track of it.
26 Meanings
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this song is great it makes me wanna move in a crazed manner but i love the lyrics, they're so catchy.

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one of my favorite songs from HHH. reminds me of a past love in which our relationship fell apart because it became too controlling.

"you are my only girl but you're not my owner, girl" <3

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this song is sooo singable...i love the cowbell!

simple lyrics...but meaningful

one of my fave HHH songs

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i just loove this song.

its so catchy, so so good. <3

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i just loove this song.

its so catchy, so so good. <3

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so dancable! my fav song

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total hip shaking song. good stuff all the way

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eeeek soooo much fun to dance to

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i love this song. everyone had a blast dancing to at the show.

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